Quote:She is dismissive about most of this - 'well you make more than I do...' She's upset that she can't pay her bills.
That appears to be the crux of the issue.
It sounds like she is living way above her means.
She would still be unable to pay her bills even if you were not living there for a portion of the month. In fact, her home would be deteriorating because she also can't afford the maintenance and upkeep a home requires and that you've been providing.
Quote:During the day I usually spend time at my house too. I'm over there because she leaves a dog home and it feels more 'homey', and to use the internet, watch tv, etc.
If she were out of the picture I'd probably have a less expensive pay tv service and internet at my house, and I used to have both.
She's always had pay tv, and the internet connection is used in her side business and is a tax deduction also.
On the other hand, you are "freeloading" on her premium level internet and TV service and adding to the wear and tear on her household.
Premium Internet and tv cable service can run as much as $250 a month plus any pay-per-view items you order. Don't forget the additional electricity cost for having the TV, computer and HVAC on for most of the day when she is not there. Is what you are buying for the household on par with that every month?
Does the noise from your TV watching or your use of her internet service prevent her from being able to conduct her side business?
From the sound of it, it seems you spend most of your non-working time at her house rather than your own and your relationship has reached the point where a decision has to be made about whether it goes to the next level. You move in together and combine budget responsibilities, or add more separation to the living arrangement, or formalize and contribute a monthly rent to her for the time you spend there.
The two of you need to sit down and work out a household budget and decide who is going to pay for what each month. If you can't work it out before moving in together, it may be time for you to stay at home rather than spending the days at her house when she isn't there. You can afford your own TV and internet service.