Mon 30 Jul, 2012 06:11 pm
In the 2012 election, Pennsylvania voters will hve to carry and show a valid photo ID. This ID will be issued by the PA DEpt of Trnsportation division of licenses.
The purpose stated in the legislation is to "Prevent voter fraud" ( an apparently underreported felony since there are no cases of voter fraud in the commonwealth of Pa)
The state govt is controlled by a solid GOP bloc (governor, StateHouse o Representtives, and STate Senate), so needless to say it sailed through. In 2008 there were examples of county governments making it difficult for minorities to vote in the Nov election. This was most egregious in Chester County wherein students from Lincoln University (A Historically Black University, alma mater of Thurgood Marshall) were stopped rom voting because they had not established temporary residence at the college, even though the U had set up a mass registration for students and the students complied to the tune of about 98%)
So, while its said that this photo ID will stop voter fraud, IMHO, it will also disenfrnchise perhaps thousands of retirees who no longer drive.
Voter fraud or disenfranchisement, what is the true goal of the GOP?
Jim Crow is not only back but alive and well and now living in Pennsylvania. Amazing!
@Lustig Andrei,
It not only Jim Crow, its now including Jimmy Geezer laws.
Yeah, I know; it'll disenfranchise quite a number of citizens.
Quote:So, while its said that this photo ID will stop voter fraud, IMHO, it will also disenfranchise perhaps thousands of retirees who no longer drive.
It shouldn't disenfranchise anyone. When you turn in your driver's license, you can request they issue you an official state photo I.D. that you can use in place of a license anywhere a photo I.D. is required. It looks very much like a driver's license.
Where I vote, they never request any sort of I.D., they simply glance at your signature in the sign-in book to see if it matches the previous one. I think requiring a photo I.D. is a good idea.
@Lustig Andrei,
In the last 6 month , the Philly Inquirer and Pittsburgh GAzette have been seeking out information on voter fraud. I think they found NONE in Pa from 1998 till today. I wonder how accurate these reports are but nonetheless, if the GOP would try to be honst, They are trying to disenfranchise the electorate with the hitorically highest rate of voting AND voting Dem
There are tens of thousands of Pa residents who havent had a drivers licene for years and they will now have to schlep (somehow) to the nearest License center to get their pix taken. THE UTTER INCONVENIENCE IS WHAT WILL DISENFRANCHISE THE OLDER VOTERS. Wetoo have the signature comprison pge and we are required to sign next to the signture. Much of Pa is rurl and the voter precincts are small enough where the election officers would know most of the people.
My precinct has only 570+ voters and the entire township has only 2500 people so we have 5 precincts
are you required to have a drivers license to operate a horse and buggy?
no . Amish will soon take the law to court on the basis of their religious belief and the "free expression of their beliefs" WHICH SAY
" Photos are graven images"
Amish always get to th roots o ****
I like my amish neighbors better'n my redneck ones.
Never **** with a lawyered up AMISHMAN
I used to visit Carlisle and York a lot.
it felt a lot like home if you drove out in the country.
but with more hills, of course...
we have a new voter ID law as well.
they are announcing an alternate place to the DMV where folks can bring certain documentation and obtain an ID.
I wasn't paying enough attention to smoky's local news as I was cooking...
Nonsense Firefly it is design to disenfranchise the lower class not to stop so call voters fraud.
No study I had even seen had the numbers of voters fraud cases being anything but very very tiny and every so call drives or laws to fight such almost non-existing problem had ended up interfering with thousands of fully qualify voters voting.
In my state of Florida the GOP pull such silliness to fight 'voter fraud' in order to try to knocked off or interfere with as many blacks and other not likely to be GOP voters as possible at every major election.
The GOP announced the "problem" andthen, nationally, they came up with a solution. Are these photo ID laws going national?
Gearhead eh? I outfitted my one cougar with correct badges and chromeworks (even got a bumper rechromed by some outfit at the Carlisle show
they were my target audience.
I was a vendor.
Once I even went to carlisle representing two separate outfits. made money with both of them. I brought a hired hand, and we sold parts out of the front side, and shop equipment outta the back.
that's a really neat venue...
(lotsa amish food there)
there is an amazing amount of cash walking around there...
I certainly hope that the Amish wins; the GOP gangsters running our state governments are being tolerated by other conservatives who say nothing about the disenfranchisement of voters.
In addition to that, about ten states now have anti-abortion laws even in the event of rape or incest. Who's going to pay for the care of the mother and baby?
They are scary people!
I think another Revolution is in the making.