mee too. I was under the care o a quacj cardiologist (who was here from a Asian country and was totally interested in expansion of income only) I got a second opinion an dropped him. My new cardiologist took me off pills atht the other guy gave me and split my dosages to half strength but 2 times a day. I had the beginnings of an enlarged heart and that went away (however , it did leave me with an Atrial Fib)
Did the atrial fib result from te mimdication and the resultant enlarging heart?or was it just my genes.
My dad had an essential hypertension that ultimately caused his death and it was amazing that some of the symptoms he had early in life I did also but at a later time. What was amazing was that the intercession with low dose aspirin kept me in a relatively healthy "holding pattern" until my cardiologit was able to get some real turn around meds and exercise into me.
cardio problems can become a mostly chronic problem from here on.