dlowan wrote:WHAT does he think he's doing? Seriously - is it not clear to him that he can split the vote, and help get Bush re-elected?
What is he doing?
He is supporting me, and people like me.That's what Nader is doing and I am very grateful he is running.
Look at it this way. I am intelligent. I am an independent thinker. And, I resent that Democrats and others on the left assume they somehow "own" my vote. I do lean left on many issues, but I don't owe my vote to anyone.
And there are many people like me. If you resent this ... tough!
If Kerry and the Democrats want to
earn my vote they need to stop all this whining. Kerry needs to show me that he has the backbone to be president. He needs to speak clearly about the war. He need to speak clearly about homosexual rights and taxes and and the other issues I care about.
I voted for Nader in 2000, and I say this proudly. Gore lost my vote and I regret nothing.
If Kerry wants my vote, fine. If not, well with four more years of Bush, the republicans will take the blame for what happens (which will start to hurt in time for 2008). Frankly, I prefer this to a mediocre Democrat.
Some will keep attacking Nader and we supporters. You don't understand that you are the problem not us.
But it doesn't matter. My vote is mine. If you want it, then stop whining and start addressing the issues that we believe in and that Nader represents.
Nader is right! It is up to the Democrats to make him unnecessary.