Black tulip--
A dog designed for absorbing all sorts of feelings and transmuting the negative emotions.
I'm glad I could convince you. Your opinion is valuable to me.
Mental decline
Again, no notifications. Must be something in my computer that objects to
A2K. Weird!
Noddy - Knowing what the problem is can be a tremendous relief. I don't have Crohn's, myself, but do suffer similar difficulties owing to major surgery about 12 years ago. It's not fun, but it is manageable - more or less.
Walter - Thank God your mother stayed put in the other resident's room all that time. But you must have had a horrible three hours.
I'm a little concerned about my recent, rapid weight loss--four pounds in five days. I've been drinking sweet soda and apple juice and nibbling all day long on concentrated-calorie snacks and my weight is now holding at 100 pounds.
An absolute diagnosis is complicated by slow bloodwork and staff vacations.
Meanwhile, I'm worried and Mr. Noddy wants to talk all about his back pain and whether or not he likes the concentrated-calorie snacks.
Fortunately, it is springtime.
Re: Mental decline
Keep nibbling, Noddy - and add the one or other not so healthy food, perhaps as well!
Tomkitten wrote: But you must have had a horrible three hours.
More Mrs. Walter - I'd switched off my "son brain" during the search.
Catch is I can eat only about a cup/cup and a half of solid food at one time.
Noddy - can you tolerate any of those high-calorie drinks that are full of nutrients?
Mantal decline
Quote:rapid weight loss--four pounds in five days
Oh dear, that does sound extreme! Can you nibble on some fudge?
Ice cream?
Right now we are coping with in influx of wasps that have got between the screen door and the door door. They are infesting the balcony and seem to have constructed a fine little nest somewhere on it, though not yet visible to people, just wasps. Maintenance has sent a man with a spray, and my fear is that some will squeeze through a crack in the door and get into the bedroom.
Yikes, Noddy!
How annoying about the lack of a complete diagnosis. Hopefully that will happen soon and you can start on the treatment/ recovery phase. Take care.
Poor you Noddy, how about bananas they are good for you and help keep weight. Maybe a nice veg casserole which could last a few days!
thinking of you X
Hey everyone...
Just checking in.
Noddy - how are you today
Hoping, you're doing fine, Noddy!
How you coping Noddy? Thinking of you X
Thanks, all, for your concern.
Yesterday I was sidelined with a bout of the Wombles (nausea, vomiting, general malaise). My weight is down to 99 pounds, so I've planned a day with lots and lots of sweet juice.
The high-calorie canned drinks simply aren't for me. One of the aspects of an auto-immune flare up seems to be enhance smell and taste.
Tom Kitten--
Fudge is too sweet, but ice cream is very palatable.
Black Tulip--
I have to ration my roughage, but pasta is acceptable.
The Gastric Office called. My blood work is "consistent with a diagnosis of Crohn's" and I have an appointment on May 8th for an in depth discussion. Meanwhile, I'm to try to eat calorie dense foods. Did I mention that Crohn's not only depresses the appetite, but can interfere with absorbing both calories and nutrients?
Meanwhile, Mr. Noddy also felt peaked over the weekend. I have my fingers crossed that he'll be healthy enough to see the Neurosurgeon tomorrow afternoon. He's counting on the Neurosurgeon waving a magic wand, so he's not doing any of the recommended exercises to strengthen his abs and back.
Dreary, damp weather. Last week's May weather has me spoiled.
Hold your dominion, Nodders old bean.
I look forward to the next time we have waffles, bacon and maple syrup together.
I usually think of you when I drive past the diner. There are days when I'm pre-occupied, but most days...
Thanks for the update, Noddy. "Consistent with Crohn's," OK. Will there be treatments and hopefully relief coming up soon?
I know my aunt has her Crohn's pretty much completely under control -- I'm not sure how difficult it is to do that, nor how bad it was before she wrestled it into submission.
Noddy - keep holding your dominion.
Are there vitamins you can take to aid absorption of calories and nutrients? How about the liquid means (Complan over here) which contain all the necessaries and have calories too - but not the same as eating a meal. Maybe - just a thought. Hopefully you will get more info on the 8th - maybe a dietician can advise too.
Hope all goes k with Mr Noddy tomorrow.
Keep us posted - we're thinking about you.
Izzie x