Noddy24 wrote:
The Family Dog had tummy troubles and wanted the attention of her doorkeeper every two hours last night. Then I was afflicted with violent intestinal action and started popping generic Immodium.
Mirroring the physical purging, vile memories from the last 30 years have been surfacing and parading round and round my mind. I've started a relaxing routine, but I'm still having savage spasms of rabid reactions.....
I'm so sorry that the family dog now insists on a little attention too - and that you are both suffering from "running". It really does all happen at the most inconvenient times - just when you could have a few minutes respite..... oh, here we go again, run.
As for the memories parading around and "trooping their colours" - well, yep, those hamsters keep spinning their wheels - incessant spinning which just keep snagging on the threads you have started to believe are neatly sewn up, then pulling them a little tighter and fraying them!
I'm wishing you a little peace - just to get the everyday "what is essential-to-do today" chores out of the way that are necessary for you. I hope the chiropractic appointment goes well - please be very careful in the ice - and on your return consign yourself to the sofa, have the loveliest hot cup of tea and purge on trashy novels to give the hamsters something else to think about. Take any pleasurable choices you can ... just because, for a little while, you can.
OH - by the way - just so you know, - your
Noddy24 wrote:
measured and stately gait.
in my humble opinion, your "stately gait" cannot be "measured"

You walk tall and have strength whilst Holding Your Dominion. Much admiration to you for your inner strength and that which you give to others. (Chiropractor can assist with the "gait" - but you own the "dignified stately gait").
Hoping when you can settle down for tea and toast - the Doiminion can rest well on the floor beside you for a while longer (any maybe the phone can be switched off for a few hours a?)
Well wishes to you and Mr Noddy.