Thanks, Eva, and it was, though even then I sort of got that she might not have taken me as me.
I'd previous experience, as my father also had psychiatric problems. That's more complicated and I doubt it was alzheimers. Looking back from 2009, I'd be looking at his meds as a VA patient. He went in there normal, if anxious, or at least semi normal and came out weird. He got to be a mental mess, and I was no help as I called an ambulance and that only brought sorrow. Skipping along, I'll say that one day, when he was home from varied hospitalization, he turned to me in the kitchen and looked me straight in the eye and said, I know I've been (confused) and I'm better now. Just a sentence. That was the last real conversation with my father, who died in '68.
I take my father's coherence that day as not the same as my mother's who really did have alzheimer's.
I seem to be explaining at large here, but something about Walter's post got to me.