Fri 27 Jul, 2012 07:09 pm
In the following sentence,"The power of this study rose to our collective consciousness and gave us the lead on a powerful angle for our relationship-marketing program." What is "the lead on a powerful angle"? Is it a metaphor? Thanks a lot.
That is one of the most atrocious sentences I've read in years. I have no idea what the hell the writer is talking about. What's the context here?
The lead is pretty much a direction, or a hint of a direction. An angle is a new approach.
Andy, I share your confusion on the sentence, itself.
Quote:In the following sentence,"The power of this study rose to our collective consciousness and gave us the lead on a powerful angle for our relationship-marketing program." What is "the lead on a powerful angle"? Is it a metaphor? Thanks a lot.
It means, "showed us the way which allowed us to take an aggressive or certain route for the relationship-marketing program. A "lead" is a term for some knowledge someone has garnered which gives them an advantage over others in pursuit of some goal.