Tue 24 Jul, 2012 06:08 am
If once a healthy person had sex with HIV infected person,does 100% the healthy person get AIDS disease?
No. HIV transmission requires virus to blood contact. A woman is much more likely to have small vaginal tears during sex with a man than a male is to get penile tears when having sex with a woman. If a healthy person has sex with an infected partner without micro tears then there is no opportunity for the virus to enter the bloodstream of the healthy partner.
Also, HIV transmission does not equal AIDS. HIV positivity is the condition of having the virus. AIDS is a collection of specific symptoms and/or conditions that result in the diagnosis of the syndrome. HIV can be a chronic condition that never progresses into full blown AIDS.
Thank you for that.
I find it absolutely incredible that after decades of awareness and education, deaths and announcements by high profile individuals, etc., so many are still unaware and uneducated....myself included.
kumar985 wrote:
If once a healthy person had sex with HIV infected person,does 100% the healthy person get AIDS disease?
What kind of sex are you talking about? Remember that with oral sex, it is possible to transmit numerous pathogenic micro-organisms to the recipient partner.