engineer wrote:
McG, I may have missed this, but how do you gauge success?
It's all about the Benjamin's...
That's a joke. Take a breath now, let your pulse get back down to normal... breath in, breath out...
As Conan once said "To crush your enemies, see them driven before you and to hear the lamentations of their women."
Ha! Got you again!
Success means different things to different people. Personal success starts with setting goals and achieving those goals is a form of success. It's the base of my definition that gets rounded out from there. Everyone has different goals, therefore success can have many different outcomes. For some, the goal might be find true love. For others the goal might be make a million bucks. For others still it may be wake up in the morning.
Societal success is a more difficult thing. One person's goals may interfere or collide with another's goals. You know, good guy bad guy stuff and all that. I think that there is an overall view of success that can be achieved, like the names I mentioned earlier. They have all been successful in achieving their over-arching personal goals and those goals sometimes become societal goals and when achieved become signs of success or failure.
Lets use poor Drew Bledsoe for example. I had high aspirations for him achieving his goals, but his success ended up being a failure while Brady was able to achieve his goals using mostly the same resources.
So, success? Achieve your goals.
(I am not copying Robert!)