Krumple wrote:oralloy wrote:You can't steal what you already rightfully own. The West Bank has been Israeli land for some three thousand years.
Alright then. The native american Indians have every right to kick out every non-native in the states according to you.
Not only that but then it also means the germans had every right to kick out the jews in germany.
I doubt you would support either
I think the courts should force the US to honor all the treaties that have been signed with Native Americans.
That would not quite be kicking us out of the US, but it would be a just resolution of the issue.
I am not aware of any case of Jews depriving Germans of their property. However, after WWII, a number of innocent German civilians were unjustly kicked out of a neighboring nation (I forget which one) and had their property stolen.
There was a big fight to weaken European human rights a year or two ago (unfortunately successful) in order to protect that nation from having to restore their stolen property to its rightful owners.
Krumple wrote:I'm sure there are other places around the world where the land was not "owned" by the current occupiers. So why don't we go around making sure that the original owners get their lands back?
If some group has a credible claim to their former land that they were unjustly deprived of, I think that they should in fact be allowed to claim it.
Krumple wrote:I know why you don't support this idea because you are a supporter of israel
Ah, but I do support it to some extent.
Krumple wrote:and want to continue spreading the lies and bury the crimes that they are committing against the people of palestine.
No such lies. No such crimes.
All Israel is doing is defending themselves from people who refuse to make peace. They have the right to defend themselves.
At this point, it is probably too late for the Palestinians to get full 1967 borders, as they may once have achieved had they been willing to make peace. But Israel is only going to annex the greater Jerusalem area and about 10% of the West Bank. The Palestinians still might be able to have their state if they ever decide to try making peace.