McTag wrote:That's marvellous.
"A cruel and deadly hoax"- Bill Moyers, talking about Second Amendment rights.
Bill Moyers is simply
a liar,
as to what he said about the 2nd Amendment.
The truth is as the USSC accurately described it
in the
HELLER case 554 US 290; 128 S.Ct. 2783 (2008)
and the
McDONALD case 561 U.S. 3025 (2010).
HELLER (supra), the USSC adopts the reasoning
of the Supreme Court of Georgia,
saying the following:
Nunn v. State, 1 Ga. 243, 251 (1846), the Georgia Supreme Court
construed the Second Amendment
as protecting the “natural right of self-defence” and therefore
struck down a ban on carrying pistols openly.
Its opinion
perfectly captured the way in which the operative clause
[i.e.: "the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed"]
of the Second Amendment furthers the purpose announced
in the prefatory clause, [i.e., the militia clause]
in continuity with the English right:
“The right of the whole people,
old and young, men, women and boys, and
not militia only,
to keep and bear arms of every description,
and not such merely as are used by the militia,
shall not be infringed, curtailed, or broken in upon,
in the smallest degree;
and all this for the important end to be attained:
the rearing up and qualifying a well-regulated militia,
so vitally necessary to the security of a free State.
Our opinion is, that any law, State or Federal,
is repugnant
to the Constitution, and void,
which contravenes this right,
originally belonging to our forefathers,
trampled under foot by Charles I. and his two wicked
sons and successors, re-established by the revolution
of 1688, conveyed to this land of liberty by the colonists,
and finally incorporated conspicuously in our own Magna Charta!”
[All emphasis has been lovingly added by David.]
The innermost essence of
liberalism is mendacity & deception.
There is
no reason for surprize in hearing it from Johnson's Press Secretary.
McTag wrote:Some telling statistics there...but what does truth matter, when prejudices are being aired?
TRUTH is that
each citizen
has the eternal right of self defense.
Those who advocate our
condoning gun control
advocate tolerating our getting raped by our low life servant, government.