McTag wrote:It is strange that gun nuts persistently quote historical precedent,
I know you're frustrated that you'll never stamp out freedom in the US, but that is no cause for name-calling.
And no, not strange at all. Historical precedent shows what the Second Amendment actually means.
Since we are defending the actual meaning of the Second Amendment, pointing out historical reality comes quite naturally to us.
McTag wrote:when all circumstances nowadays are entirely different from Stuart England or Revolutionary America.
Freedom is not some fleeting phenomenon, once enjoyed by our ancestors, but that we in the present are now unable to enjoy.
Americans are not going to be giving up our freedom. Ever. We don't care how much you like not being free. We don't like not being free, and we aren't ever going to do it.
McTag wrote:I am informed the USA has now got a standing army, quite a large one. Shouldn't it now turn its attention to the well-armed local "militia" and the harm they cause the nation?
That is wrong in so many ways it is hard to know where to start.
First, the militia was NEVER about filling in because we couldn't manage a standing army. Rather, the militia was
preferred over a standing army.
The fact that we do have a standing army today, means that it is even MORE urgent that we also have a militia on hand. The Constitution demands it.
Second, there is no militia currently for any attention to be turned to. Because even though it is Constitutionally urgent that we have such a militia, the government is ignoring the Constitution and refusing to have such a militia.
What you are wrongly referring to as a militia are actually ordinary civilians exercising their right to carry guns for self defense.
And third, there is no harm being done to the nation by ordinary Americans exercising their right to carry guns for self defense.
But if there actually were such harm being done, that would just be too bad, because our Constitutional rights take precedent.
McTag wrote:Those who want to play at being Davy Crockett could still keep a musket at home.
Note that modern militiamen have the right to keep automatic rifles, grenades/grenade launchers, and bazookas in their homes.
Muskets are obsolete weapons.