Quote:in the fullness of sincerity & candor, it has never even occurred to me to strut, nor has any person at any gunnery-related meeting
walked in any
un-natural fashion. Hunte
rs don't do it.
Soldiers don't
do it. Police don't do
it. We
spendius wrote:Not been around a lot of guns have you Dave.
Probably more than u have, Spendius.
I keep my gun collection close at hand. I
USE it.
I 'm a fairly decent shot. I practice for accuracy & fun.
Care to tell us about
YOUR gun collection ??????
spendius wrote: Never seen the French Foreign Legion eh?
Yes. I never have; not much interest in them.
Do thay strut as well as the nazis??
spendius wrote:You were strutting to some boy scouts earlier.
No; not at all. I find it interesting
that u chose to express that as a declaration,
rather than a question.
I am a soft-spoken fellow of gentle demeanor, most of the time.
I addressed them with humility & respect.
I was hardly moving
at all in the gunnery range; let alone
spendius wrote:And your stainless steel handgun flashing in the sunlight.
No. U don't get the point.
The event occurred at around midnight,
in very low light conditions; but for the reflective properties
of the "stainless steel mirror" revolver, it might well not have been seen,
resulting in a bilateral gunfight, with lethal results, instead of what actually happened.
A .44 revolver packs some serious firepower, especially with hollowpointed slugs.
Have u tried any of them??????? Be prepared to experience Newton's 3rd Law of Motion.
ABout 4O or 5O years ago, I was counselled by my TV repairman to carry a reflective
silver colored gun, especially at night. I took his advice.
I have no fear of werewolves.