izzythepush wrote:Appeared to imply is not the same as imply,
U choose not to address my questions??
I was hoping that we coud see
the nature of your thawt processes,
that give rise to your point of vu.
izzythepush wrote:but for the record, it would be better
if you all had imitation weapons, no-one would be shot,
and you could still strut about like cock of the walk.
in the fullness of sincerity & candor, it has never even occurred
to me to strut, nor has any person at any gunnery-related meeting
walked in any un-natural fashion. Hunters don't do it.
Soldiers don't do it. Police don't do it. We don't do it.
The commies & the nazis love their goose-step strutting.
Freedom-loving gun owners hold them in
We hold socialism in repugnance &
We don't even think of strutting.
I have repeatedly said that over the years,
decades & centuries of gun possession,
wearing guns is like wearing your wallet
u just
forget about it, until u need it.
Do u find that
implausible, Izzy??
Do Englishmen strut, when thay r carrying guns ??
ONLY time that I ever saw anyone strut (except nazis n commies)
was once when a woman who was very, very interested in dancing
told her son to "strut" as part of some dancing movements that he was doing.
I have no reason to deceive u, Izzy.
If, as u say, we had only imitation weapons,
then we 'd make
FUNCTIONAL ONES, that actually work, for defensive purposes.
Its not hard. I have a manual for the home made manufacture
of submachineguns, from Paladin Press.
I do
not have a monopoly on this literature; its inexpensively available.
LOVE guns! I dearly
LOVE them.