parados wrote:Oralloy wrote:You have to have your car registration with you when you drive. Try telling a police officer that your car registration is the same thing as a drivers license.
GOOD GOD.. Are you really that stupid?
I remind you that my IQ is four time higher than yours is.
parados wrote:Try telling a police officer that your driver's license is your car's license. They are completely different things. Licensing your car means you get a license to put on the car and a registration to put in the car. You can't drive your car without that license on it even if you have your driver's license.
Yes. Just as licensing is different from registration, registration is different from licensing.
parados wrote:When a state has MORE requirements it makes no difference to the Federal requirements.
True. But that does not exempt you from needing to follow state law as well as federal law.
Go ahead and try having a full auto in a state that requires licensing for it, with just your federal NFA registration to serve as your "license".
The government will provide you a number of years to fully ponder the difference between licensing and registration.
parados wrote:The state government is different from the Federal government.
True. But that does not exempt you from needing to follow state law as well as federal law.
Go ahead and try having a full auto in a state that requires licensing for it, with just your federal NFA registration to serve as your "license".
The government will provide you a number of years to fully ponder the difference between licensing and registration.
parados wrote:Did you bother to take civics when you were in HS?
Yes. Notice the way I am continuously correcting you on point after point after point?
I don't even have to look anything up. It's all coming from memory.