Mass Shooting At Denver Batman Movie Premiere

Reply Wed 25 Jul, 2012 09:53 am
mysteryman wrote:
Define "gun nuts".
Do you believe that anyone that owns a gun is a "gun nut"?
MM, I believe that what thay mean
when thay call us that, is anyone who supports a citizen's
right to personal defense from predatory violence
by means of firearms
, or anyone who supports
a citizen 's right to be defensively armed with a gun.

If I am incorrect,
then thay can contradict me.

0 Replies
Reply Wed 25 Jul, 2012 09:53 am
Franklin was the ambassador to France from 1776 to 1785. I guess he must have phoned it in.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 25 Jul, 2012 09:58 am
spendius wrote:
Oralloy wrote:
A very large magazine might put a gun in a different lethality category (regardless of whether or not it was an assault weapon), but certainly no more lethal than bombs.

Where can you buy a bomb at a store near you?

At any store that sells lengths of pipe and boxes of matches.

spendius wrote:
You're just thrashing around in all directions to try to hide the fact that guns are an extension of potency for those in need of that sort of thing.

You freedom haters always fall back on bigoted lies when you (invariably) lose on the facts.
Reply Wed 25 Jul, 2012 09:59 am
I would imagine that everybody who died or was maimed fighting for freedom would puke at what you say Dave. You never turned a hair for freedom in your entire life. You blaspheme the concept of freedom to try to make your penis substitute seem rational. At least as a penis substitute shooting guns make sense.

Why won't you admit a sensuality component to your gun loving. It shows clear enough. I wouldn't be surprised if you stroke the ******* things.

The responsibility for accredited use of guns stops at the Prime Minister's desk. Nobody is responsible for your guns. Except you of course. And the likes of Mr Holmes.

You are projecting your ownership of guns onto everybody and assuming they are all as sweet and harmless as you self-evidently are.

There were 8,775 deaths from just guns in the US in 2011. That's the cost of your idiotic ideas. And the cost of the clear-up must be a large amount of money, time and effort.

Most of the 42 gun-related deaths last year took place in London, the West Midlands, Manchester or Merseyside, with swathes of the country recording no homicides, suicides or accidental deaths from firearms. One third of the victims were younger than 21 and four of them were female. The Gun Control Network, which campaigns for tougher restrictions on firearms, disclosed the figure, which was a sharp drop on 2007, when 51 gun-related deaths were recorded in England, Wales and Scotland.

The population in the conurbations hardly give the risk of being shot a moment's thought. The rest never even think about it. You seem to think about it all the time.
Reply Wed 25 Jul, 2012 10:01 am
BillRM wrote:
Oralloy wrote:
The Congress shall have power To....
....To coin Money, regulate the Value thereof, and of foreign Coin, and fix the Standard of Weights and Measures;

That authorizes a central bank.

Sorry but Jefferson was right in my opinion the necessary and proper clause can be used to justify almost any actions the government would wish to take.

Only if the Supreme Court is willing to let them. If the Supreme Court enforces the clause as it is intended, then there would be no problem.

If the Supreme Court were lax about enforcing the Constitution, nearly any clause could be abused that way (note what the Commerce Clause has become).
0 Replies
Reply Wed 25 Jul, 2012 10:03 am
hawkeye10 wrote:
Gun sales in Colorado have spiked since last week's massacre, The Denver Post reports.
Background checks jumped more than 41 percent since Friday's shooting that left 12 dead and 58 injured during a midnight screening of "The Dark Knight Rises" at an Aurora movie theater. Over the weekend, the Colorado Bureau of Investigation approved background checks for 2,887 people who wanted to purchase a firearm, the Post said, an increase of 43 percent over the previous weekend.
"It's been insane," Jake Meyers, an employee at Rocky Mountain Guns and Ammo in Parker, Colo., told the paper.
Spikes in gun sales are not uncommon in the aftermath of mass shootings like the one in Colorado. Following the January 2011 shooting that killed six and wounded more than a dozen others—including former Arizona Rep. Gabrielle Giffords—in Tucson, sales of handguns soared more than 60 percent in the state, according to FBI data. Similar spikes were seen after the massacres at Virginia Tech and Columbine.


Probably not the reaction that the anti-gun nuts would like to see....

Yes. People don't like the idea of being helpless and defenseless.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 25 Jul, 2012 10:06 am
joefromchicago wrote:
mysteryman wrote:
Well, according to many court decisions, the police are NOT responsible for protecting the average citizen.

Here are some of the court decisions...

This is what is known in the legal community as "bullshit." The police are not responsible in tort for negligently failing to protect the average citizen. If you read the cases you cited instead of just copying and pasting the list from some e-mail you might have been able to recognize the distinction.

At first glance that looks to me like a distinction without a difference.

If the negligence of police results in someone not receiving protection when they desperately need it, and they have no ability to sue the negligent parties, then what recourse do they have against that negligence?
0 Replies
Reply Wed 25 Jul, 2012 10:09 am
At any store that sells lengths of pipe and boxes of matches...

Or any farm (or DNC office) at which bullshit can be collected from off the ground. No ****. The biggest non-nuclear explosion ever recorded in North America was a shipload of nitrogen fertilizer which blew up off Galveston somewhere around 1905 or thereabouts and took much of the city with it, they say there wasn't that much difference between that and a small atom bomb.

Question is, when are the control freaks gonna start guarding farms and demoKKKrat offices against guys stealing bullshit to make bombs out of??
0 Replies
Reply Wed 25 Jul, 2012 10:11 am
spendius wrote:
Oralloy wrote:
spendius wrote:
No effort or particular skills necessary. The manufacturers have made it easy.

You wish. I bet you couldn't hit the side of a barn.

I have no desire to hit any barn doors.

Irrelevant. You freedom haters have no business saying that something takes no skill when you are too incompetent to actually achieve it yourself.

spendius wrote:
Where do you get this "freedom hating" mantra from?

It is an accurate way of referring to people who demand that we give up our freedom and civil rights, and who then descend into childish bigotry when their demand is refused.
Reply Wed 25 Jul, 2012 10:14 am
spendius wrote:
OmSigDAVID wrote:
The original concept of the Founders
was that it 'd IMPOSSIBLE because the citizens
were all armed to the teeth, with many private, local militia units
vastly outnumbering the US Army.

The first census in 1790 showed 4 million population. That's about half the population of NYC and works out at roughly one person per square mile.


spendius wrote:
Comparisons of now to then are so ridiculous that they can only be offered by the very stupid or the very desperate.

It is in the nature of freedom haters to resort to childish insults when they (invariably) lose on the facts.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 25 Jul, 2012 10:19 am
Another thought about firearms here...

A real belt-fed machine gun is one thing, the question of submachine guns is much more problematical as is the question of whether aan "assault rifle" has a full automatic mode.

One particular cop video I've watched showed a stunning difference between using a FAL rifle in full auto mode (spray and pray), versus taking rapid aimed shots.

An expert shooter faced five or six profile targets like you'd see at a police shooting contest from about sixty yards distance with a FAL and a 20-round magazine which is typical for FAL rifles. The targets were close enough together that spray-pray was feasible. Nonetheless shooting full auto, even the expert shooter was not able to kill any of the targets; all were injured but none of them would have been guaranteed stopped.

The same shooter then took five or six aimed shots at the targets and killed all of them (meaning a shot which would have killed a live human in the target's place), and took no more time doing that than he had taken doing the spray and pray thing.

The ONLY situation that there is in which full auto shooting with a rifle makes any sense at all is the situation the military encounters when a guy walks through a door and six people start shooting at him simultaneously from ten feet of distance.
Reply Wed 25 Jul, 2012 10:23 am
spendius wrote:
In 1787 the main problem was scarcity. Now the problem is abundance.

Neither was/is a problem at either time.

It sounds like you are confusing post-Revolution America, with post-1066 England.

The Framers did not set up a militia out of necessity. They did it out of choice.

Had the Framers wanted the new nation to be defended by a large standing army instead of by a militia, they could have done so.
Reply Wed 25 Jul, 2012 10:26 am
spendius wrote:
BillRM wrote:
What does population numbers had anything to do with it?

Oh--nothing Bill. I wouldn't bother thinking about it if I was in your position. The complexities are a bit much I'll admit.

It is in the nature of freedom haters to resort to childish insults when they (invariably) lose on the facts.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 25 Jul, 2012 10:30 am
spendius wrote:
A rule of thumb psychologists would say that those who spout about happiness and freedom a great deal are the closest to the edge and that their spouting is a strategy to try to stay calm.

It is in the nature of freedom haters to resort to bigoted stereotypes when they (invariably) lose on the facts.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 25 Jul, 2012 10:49 am
parados wrote:
BillRM wrote:
Too dumb to buy some reload power from a gun store and then visit the hardware store?

Buying large quantities of powder will get you noticed and likely a visit from the police or ATF.
The same with buying large quantities of pool supplies.

Might depend on how much you are trying to buy. A moderate-sized bomb might kill a lot of people if it is positioned right. What if this movie shooter had carried in two backpacks full of explosives and hurled them into the audience?

And someone with patience might be able to accumulate supplies over a lengthy period. Or even set up a business to justify their large-scale use of the supplies.

Do the ATF worry about boxes of matches purchased in large bulk? If not that is a bit of an oversight.

What about propane tanks?
0 Replies
Reply Wed 25 Jul, 2012 10:54 am
Irrelevant. You freedom haters have no business saying that something takes no skill when you are too incompetent to actually achieve it yourself.

How do you know? I don't talk about myself.

That lot in Chicago are pretty incompetent with firearms. A few kids are collateral damage as a result.
Reply Wed 25 Jul, 2012 10:59 am
spendius wrote:
I would imagine that everybody who died or was maimed fighting for freedom would puke at what you say Dave. You never turned a hair for freedom in your entire life. You blaspheme the concept of freedom to try to make your penis substitute seem rational. At least as a penis substitute shooting guns make sense.

Why won't you admit a sensuality component to your gun loving. It shows clear enough. I wouldn't be surprised if you stroke the ******* things.

It is in the nature of freedom haters to resort to bigotry and childish insults when they (invariably) lose on the facts.

spendius wrote:
There were 8,775 deaths from just guns in the US in 2011. That's the cost of your idiotic ideas.

Oh nonsense. Those people would be just is dead if they had been killed with knives instead.

(And before you start babbling about banning knives, they would also be just as dead if they had been bludgeoned to death with baseball bats.)

Most of the 42 gun-related deaths last year took place in London, the West Midlands, Manchester or Merseyside, with swathes of the country recording no homicides, suicides or accidental deaths from firearms. One third of the victims were younger than 21 and four of them were female. The Gun Control Network, which campaigns for tougher restrictions on firearms, disclosed the figure, which was a sharp drop on 2007, when 51 gun-related deaths were recorded in England, Wales and Scotland.

Does the fact that most of your country's murders don't involve guns, do anything to bring the dead back to life?


Guess it didn't make much difference then.
Reply Wed 25 Jul, 2012 11:06 am
The framers allowed state militias. Not a federal one.

At that time the United States was, in the words of Prof. Beloff, " a straggling line of Atlantic seaboard settlements."

Could a state ban guns if its legislature and a referendum voted to do so?
Reply Wed 25 Jul, 2012 11:14 am
gungasnake wrote:
Another thought about firearms here...

A real belt-fed machine gun is one thing, the question of submachine guns is much more problematical as is the question of whether an "assault rifle" has a full automatic mode.

One particular cop video I've watched showed a stunning difference between using a FAL rifle in full auto mode (spray and pray), versus taking rapid aimed shots.

An expert shooter faced five or six profile targets like you'd see at a police shooting contest from about sixty yards distance with a FAL and a 20-round magazine which is typical for FAL rifles. The targets were close enough together that spray-pray was feasible. Nonetheless shooting full auto, even the expert shooter was not able to kill any of the targets; all were injured but none of them would have been guaranteed stopped.

The same shooter then took five or six aimed shots at the targets and killed all of them (meaning a shot which would have killed a live human in the target's place), and took no more time doing that than he had taken doing the spray and pray thing.

The ONLY situation that there is in which full auto shooting with a rifle makes any sense at all is the situation the military encounters when a guy walks through a door and six people start shooting at him simultaneously from ten feet of distance.

I think the FAL was a .308. That has a lot more recoil than the .223 and the round fired by the AK-47.

The lighter rifle rounds are OK in short bursts. You'd probably need a tripod for long bursts though.

I've often wondered if tripod-mounted and belt-fed was the best way for shopkeepers to fend off rioters. (Maybe also water-cooled?)
Reply Wed 25 Jul, 2012 11:18 am
spendius wrote:
oralloy wrote:
Irrelevant. You freedom haters have no business saying that something takes no skill when you are too incompetent to actually achieve it yourself.

How do you know? I don't talk about myself.

Your very statement that shooting takes no skill betrayed your unfamiliarity with guns.

Plus with all the bigoted namecalling you've been spewing, it is clear that you are a classic freedom hater. I've yet to come across a freedom hater who has ever had the slightest familiarity with the guns they want to ban.
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