Quote:I'll bet that there would be a whole lot less guns sold if the anti-gun nuts would stop threatening to use the government to remove the right to own and use guns. By pushing the issue they actually drive the situation in the opposite direction from what they want.
Question is, why would you want a whole lot less guns??
A few thoughts...
Charles Krauthammer is calling for more
lunatic control, which might actually accomplish something. Krauthammer was chief resident in psychiatry at Mass General, and presumably knows something about the situation. He claims that at least some of the people doing these mass killings would have been locked up in 1970 and that it's simply much harder to have people committed these days.
Gun control schemes have resulted in tens of millions of human deaths over the last century; a government plan to arm all the psychos in the world to the teeth and give them unlimited license to shoot people could not cause anywhere near as much damage:
Jack the Ripper never owned a gun; Elizabeth Borden never owned a gun; Genghis Khan never owned a gun nor did any of his employees...
The two D.C. area snipers (Malvo/Muhammed) who created a reign of terror for several weeks were using an M16 which most people would call an "assault rifle"; but the WAY they were using it, one shot and scoot, it could as easily have been a flintlock, it would have made no difference. George Washington could have made any of the shots they made with his second or third best rifle and flintlocks are not even regulated by any laws in most states.
Of the ideas involved in what you'd call an assault rifle, being semiautomatic is the least significant. The most major are light caliber (ease of carrying both the weapon and large quantities of ammo), detachable magazines, and rapid aimed follow-on shots i.e. recoil sufficiently low as to not produce the muzzle rise which you'd associate with military rifles prior to the AK or M16. That says that a 22-magnum lever-action rifle with detachable magazines would give you at least most of what the military views as an assault weapon.
The two most major reasons for the 2'nd amendment are, as Ice-T notes, to provide the people with a last line of defense against tyranny from their own government if worst ever should come straight down to worst as Paul Harvey notes happened in other nations, and as a final bulwark against any foreign invasion which might ever happen to get past the half million guys in US military uniforms.
That in fact is precisely what Isoroku Yamamoto told the Japanese military council was the reason they could not simply invade the continental United States ("there would be a rifle behind every blade of grass").
That is the thinking behind the NRA and other such organizations insisting on private ownership of modern weapons like M16s. The most major needs of the 2'nd amendment could not really be met with flintlocks.