Tue 17 Jul, 2012 09:33 am
Hell all,
My dad rides a bike and he needs new gloves for the winter. I am looking for ones that are water proof and are going to keep his hands warm. I don't care about the cost. I was looking for heated ones but he wouldn't want to hook them up to his bike. If you have a pair that you like or know that are good please let me know.
Thanks and Regards.
@Sara Chang,
Did you get the bulletproof jacket?
@Sara Chang,
www.amazon.com sells both bulletproof vests and gloves.
Tell us the truth. You're not trying to recreate a Christopher Nolanesque Batman suit, right?
I wouldn't worry. Her Dad's hands have probably frozen and fallen off by now.
@Sara Chang,
Amezon has best deals....check it.
@Sara Chang,
hi sara u can easily find this type of gloves on amazon or ebay
A motorcycle gloves need to be fit with your skin and must not block the blood flow. There are various online shops providing these gloves.