Then of course there are the Romney fundraisers abroad:
Quote: Meanwhile, Mitt Romney will be hold fundraisers in London and Jerusalem this week as part of an international itinerary, reports Global Research. The London event will coincide with the Romney’s horse, Rafalca, taking part in dressage competitions at the Summer Olympics. They will be the guests of British Prime Minister David Cameron.
While tickets are going for the legal limit of US$2,500 per citizen, a special post-event dinner with the Romneys will go for US$25-$75,000. “Banking officials at Barclays (the center of the $330 trillion LIBOR scandal) and Wells Fargo join European bankers and the owner of the New York Jets in organizing the controversial London fundraiser,” Global Research notes.
The second fundraiser in Jerusalem has raised controversy not only for the amounts being charged for the event, but because it is being held on the fast day commemorating the destruction of the First Temple. The invitation for the event says refreshments will be served only until after the fast, which has placated some.
The Jerusalem fundraiser requires attendees to contribute US$50,000 per couple or have raised US$100,000. It is believed so-called “bundlers,” who raise money for the campaign, are the ones attending.
It is speculated that Sheldon Adelson and his wife, who have spent more then US$70,000 of their casino money on Republican campaigns this year, will show up for the Jerusalem dinner.
The world financial industry which brought us the Great Recession gets set to do it again if they can get Romney in as Pander-in-Chief.