Do symptoms respond to medications? Or ... do people respond to medications?
What I'm saying is maby these medications have an effect on people without such conditions. Yes I'm sure these medications have a 'positive' change on persons with such conditions. But is it possible these changes are not positive and are actualy negative changes?
I guess it comes down to how we preceive such things. I'm not sure if you have herd of the pineal gland, its this rice sized gland in the middle of our two hemospheres of the brain and it has been linked to the huallcenagenic molecule DMT dymethlytryptamine. This molecule is known to cause visions. A symptom of schizophrenia. Our brains naturally produce DMT but it's usally during REM(Rapid Eye movment) sleep or deep sleep. It may or may not be the cause of dreams.
Rick strassman wrote a whole book on the molecule DMT the book is titled "The spirit molecule"
I watched a 3 hour documentary on Youtube about how the American Psychiatrist Assosiation operates, & it seems to me to be pretty corrupt. They release a new book each year called the DSM and it contains all the mental disorders and their symptoms.
The thing is when-ever they want to add new mental disorders a board of about 20 men vote on whether or not it this new disorder shall be enterd into the DSM or not. Until 1992 homosexuality was a mental illness. It was removed due to pressure from gay rights actavists.
I'm assuming over half of the 20 men who vote on mental disorders will be on the payroll of the pharmecuatical industry. Stratigically they have too much money for them not to employe such a tactic.