OK, I'm writing & posting this against my better judgment, really ... I have no desire to make enemies or upset people here. But it seems that expressing counter-views to the subject of this thread could well do that ... oh well, seems like that can't be helped.
But I want to say this. Before you thumb-downers get into action, at least hear me out. I'd really appreciate that.
First, can I say that most of the negative reactions to this thread have been a response to
overt patriotism, not aimed at the thread instigator herself. That's certainly where I was coming from, in case you were wondering. It probably wouldn't have mattered
who posted those first 3 pages of non-stop "freedom" propaganda (sorry, but that's how I saw those youtube videos) they were going to get a response. Perhaps if there had only been 3 or four of them they might have just been ignored as youthful exuberance?

Anyway, thank goodness the thread instigator posted some considerably more thoughtful posts after those initial reactions. Progress.
Next, to give some of you some idea of
why those early pages elicited some negative response, where some of us were coming from, please consider this. Some of our responses were from
our own cultural perspectives. After all, that's where we live & that's where most of our experiences of patriotism & attitudes toward it,
come from. Same as yours in the US. Our attitudes may be different because of where we live, OK?
So I am trying to imagine what sort of response would have been received to similar material if it was posted by a 14 year old in my own country.
Some of our recent experiences of overt patriotism have been deeply troubling, like the 2005 Cronulla riots, where "Australian patriots", draped in Australian flags (to show they were the "true blue aussies"

), clashed with middle eastern Australians over "ownership" of a Sydney beach. Participation in what occurred at Cronulla was fueled by radio "shock jocks" who actively encouraged more "patriots" to become involved, on their inciteful radio programs. Disgusting. So you see, we have our overt-the-top patriots/nationalists too. And they are very active. Sadly.
Anyway, just one example. I could provide quite a few more.
2005 Cronulla riots:
So what would my & others reactions be to a 14 year old who posted an Australian equivalent of the first few pages of this thread? .... on a reasonably intelligent internet forum largely frequented by adults?
Probably to encourage them to think a bit more about the "freedoms" they're so lucky to have, which millions of people all over the world, say nothing of some in their own country (like some asylum seekers, the homeless, many Australian aborigines ..) , aren't lucky enough to have. And probably to alert them to the fact that quite a few people would most likely find their patriotic posts .. well .. rather crass. Sorry, but that's how quite a few people
would see them. Before even uglier responses where posted. I guess, to be protective of them, because of their age, same as some of you feel toward "Gracie".
In a nutshell, I see overt patriotism/nationalism as ugly & divisive ... which encourages its adherents to be blinkered about other people's rights & attitudes, simply because they live in some "lesser" country, when taken to extremes ...
This nicely sums up my attitude toward patriotism. It's an extract from an Australia Day opinion piece written to an ABC blog :
Leo Tolstoy:
Quote:.."The feeling of patriotism is an unnatural, irrational, and harmful feeling, and a cause of a great part of the ills from which mankind is suffering, and ... this feeling... should not be cultivated, as is now being done, but should, on the contrary, be suppressed and eradicated by all means available to rational men...
Patriotism as a feeling is bad and harmful, and as a doctrine is stupid. For it is clear that if each people and each State considers itself the best of peoples and States, they all live in a gross and harmful delusion."
Michael Brull has a featured blog at Independent Australian Jewish Voices, and is involved in Stop The Intervention Collective Sydney (STICS).[/b]
Why I won't be celebrating Australia Day:
Just one last thing I'd like to say, because I feel pretty strongly about it ...
Applauding & thumbing-up posts from a 14 year old who's told a poster to "**** off" via material posted, because she doesn't like that poster's views, is not doing that 14 year old any favours at all.
Sorry, but but that's how I see it.
Thank you for you patience if you've read this entire post. Now you can thumb it down if you like.