bleak future for the "Fox News crowd"

Reply Mon 2 Jul, 2012 07:14 am
Bleak future for the Fox News crowd. Demographic shifts in America virtually assure the Fox News crowd will be fighting an uphill battle up a steeper slope every year.

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Type: Discussion • Score: 9 • Views: 2,226 • Replies: 12
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Joe Nation
Reply Mon 2 Jul, 2012 08:26 am
Can't wait.

Joe(watchfully eating popcorn)Nation
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Reply Mon 2 Jul, 2012 10:09 am
How does this guy jump from the fact that Millennials are moving out of the suburbs and into the cities and renting apartments to the conclusion that this bodes for a bleak future for conservatism and the FoxNews crowd? The article he references doesn't speak about politics at all. Is he suggesting that suburban dwelling necessitates a conservative ideology of the lowest common denominator?

His assertion is a non sequitur.
Reply Tue 3 Jul, 2012 11:34 am
You didn't read the first paragraph of the article. It clearly lists reasons and then states this is just another one.

Of course we could just pretend to have not heard any of the conservatives that state all the time about how inner cities are Democratic bastions. I guess the author assumed people that were reading his work had spent some time in the world.
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Reply Tue 3 Jul, 2012 01:11 pm
You didn't read my question which wasn't about the other reasons that this guy lists as to why conservatism and the FoxNews crowd have a bleak future. It was specifically about the conclusions this guy arrives at--a bleak future for conservatism and the FoxNews crowd--from the fact that Millennials are moving from the suburbs to the cities. The present economic realities affect both conservatives and liberals/progressives equally. Making bottom line decisions about whether to live in a city--especially one like Denver, which this guy's referencing article is about--wouldn't seem to be affected by one's political leanings. That conservatives hold that inner cities are Democratic bastions--inner cities which tend to have larger percentages of minorities--is also a non sequitur conclusion in regard to the assertion that the move by Millennials to cities like Denver bodes ill for the future of conservatism and the FoxNews crowd. Your guess that the author assumed people that were reading his work had spent some time in the world, whatever that means, is irrelevant to my question.
cicerone imposter
Reply Tue 3 Jul, 2012 01:38 pm
I'll believe it when I "see" it. The conservative/FOX News crowd are a whole different species that has permanent stripes on their backs. That they may move into liberal bastions doesn't change much of the landscape, because history tells us most things never change. Look at the bigots who went underground for a short while, and now they're back with a vengeance.

Same thing.
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Reply Tue 3 Jul, 2012 01:44 pm
I guess it must be their desire for public transportation that makes them part of the Fox News crowd.
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Reply Mon 26 Nov, 2012 08:08 am
I think it's hilarious to watch all the "F" word news bigots squirming to cover up and place blame since their "LANDSLIDE" victory they were predicting seems to have just been another LIE! Maybe it was all the womens fault your party said that god planned to rape??? Even all your racism and fear tactics that are OBVIOUSLY from the King George era are WORTHLESS! You may be able to trick the rednecks in the trailer parks in places like Ok, Tx, and Ku Klux Klan hick towns like Thurmont Md but smart people KNOW you are FOS! I noticed the "F" word news agency is trying to emphasize women and minorities, FORGET IT! Who do you think you're fooling? EVERYONE knows that the GOP and its supporters("F" word news agency) stands for rich, racist, white folk that just can't get over we have a BLACK PRESIDENT and that will NEVER change! Oh yeah did I mention THE SOUTH LOST THE WAR A LONG TIME AGO! Your kind LOST and IN FACT NEVER HAD A CHANCE TO WIN! I say we make it mandatory for all the schools down South with stupid little rednecks take a tour of Gettysburg that think otherwise! I mean did the trailer parks from the bible belt really think they could beat NY??? NOW GET OVER IT! I LOVE telling all the inbred racist GOP supportors they are racist inbreds and how wonderful it is to have an African American President that is MUCH smarter than ANY redneck from Texas, GUARANTEED!
Reply Mon 26 Nov, 2012 09:16 am
Doesn't Fox News still lead all the news channels in ratings by a long shot? Is that going to change because people move?

I admit that I did not read the article, just going by the headline...
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Reply Mon 26 Nov, 2012 09:39 am
Thurmont Md Shocked Shocked Shocked
I used to get our RV serviced in Thurmont, I never knew they had a hick problem. There are lotsa hick borne diseases out there
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Reply Tue 4 Dec, 2012 05:41 pm
The headline is not in sync with the story which is mainly about why young progressives are opting to live in the city rather than suburbia. It's only towards the end that the author suggests that progressives moving to the city can be a catalyst in bringing about positive change.

Well, I elect to remain even beyond the reaches of suburbia to live in the country and I've never been a FOX watcher. I'm sorry, but any proponent of FOX is by my definition an ignoramous rarely with any redeeming features. Moreover, they're embarrassing on just about every level so bereft are they of character, understanding, empathy, consideration, education, humility, etc., etc., etc. I do not include the underprivileged many of whom simply have not had the opportunity to expand their horizons; they are instead in constant fight or flight mode--and in most cases, understandably so. No, the FOX proponent that I despise the most is the one who should know better but instead, CHOOSE to be the scourge of the land. Without them, this world would have such mighty, heady potential. However, these types are usually monied and privileged and in leadership positions. They love nothing better than to pit the "under"classes against each other with horrific results.

It'll be interesting to see just how progressive the progressives remain as they move to the cities. I very much hope they will act upon their progressiveness to bring sanity, health, education, jobs, and humaneness to those who've not had the equality that's rhetorically talked about but rarely practiced. And just as an aside, as more and more cities undergo rennovations for these new progressive newcomers, where are those who've been evicted going to live?
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Reply Fri 7 Dec, 2012 02:01 pm
One would think that the foxnews crowd would in trouble anyways based off of what the left thinks the GOP demographics are. Old white people. Well old people die so FN viewers should be dropping like fly's.
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Reply Fri 7 Dec, 2012 02:17 pm
I think you need to calm down your rhetoric lest you get perceived as the H2O man. You need to consider the racism in your own post. I live in a 'trailer' in the south and do not watch Fox unless it's on at my barbershop. Stereotypes are ignorant and mean spirited no matter what direction they come from.
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