some doors are better left shut.
I guarantee you yuleeboy is a teacher, and the girl is his student. I say this because I am in a similar position, only I'm 29 and this girl is 15. There was simply a cosmic connection we made when we looked into each other's eyes. But, just as everyone made mention of on this topic, it's most likely a big crush for this young, developing mind. As much as this girl may have an effect on you, it's important to realize that she's still going through changes in her transformation to a woman.
Granted, she may fall in love and the relationship may flourish initally, but, in the long run, she needs to experience life at large. Who knows? Perhaps, if it's meant to be, our paths may cross once again at a later stage in life? 7 years later, I'm 36, she's 22.
The only time I think people can make exceptions to the rule and be wholly accepted for having such an age differential in this type of relationship is if you're famous. Look at Michael Douglas and Catherine Zeta Jones. She's 30, he's 60. But, still, she met him when she was in her 20's, not as a teenager.
It's an interesting topic, nonetheless. But, after writing and reflecting on this, I'd have to say that it's best to keep your distance. If you're still single when she's turned into a flourishing, young woman - and both of you still feel the same way - then the cards have fallen the way they were meant to. It's like the famous adage goes, . . . " if you love someone, set them free".
