When the peace treaty was sealed. A bunch of us green beers that turned our back on Ireland had parties. So much for different sides of the Atlantic. I didn't give anyone credit. Believe me, I don't think McGuiness is all that... He's reformed scum. But, no where does it say why Mountbatten was targeted? Is that not relevant? He was holidaying in the middle of a war?!?
I asked for fairness. If you're going to dredge up the past, do it equally. I realize news outlets can't do it without slitting their own proverbial throats. Too many apologists...
As for patterns... both you and the fool Foof can't seem to read or have problems with comprehension. You didn't specify who you were singling out, I asked, then answered.
So, from now on, should I defer to you as to how to write a paragraph. Generally, people like the bad news first but it seems you want the sunshine and roses first. C'est la vie. (I'm Canadian - we are a bilingual nation, I hope you can deal with the french.. ha ha ha)
You're right about mistaking who and where the article came from, regardless, the complaint still stands. Fair is fair and at this point, why does the news have to make it seems like the Irish (catholic) are animals just waiting for the right moment to strike.
Heavly armed guards and all.. Please, when doesn't she have that kind of presence when she travels. She had it here, in a sleepy little prairie town, cops everywhere. It pisses me off. The Irish have way more invested in the peace process than anyone else. After all, it was their streets and fields painted in blood (for the most part).
Going back in history to explain why something happened or why something is significant is not lame or biased, it is what it is. The truth. Just make it fair. If you can't handle it, that's not my problem.
Good on the Brits for facing the truth, but one commission is not going to change the facts that people died or the sorrows that followed. It doesn't wash years of violence and stupidity away. I'm sorry I have biases for my fellow people, regardless of where I was born. You've shown your biases too, and it's funny how you trump Palestinians and want others to persecute Israel, but ignore past atrocities in the middle east that are directly tied to imperialist intervention.
I live in Canada and everyday we have to live with the scars of the British empire's colonist past. We could have commission after royal study and still not get to the bottom of all the horrors the Crown has done to this world. I'm willing to let bygones be bygones, but... fair is fair. If I have to read about the sins of one side, put a little perspective on things.
Again, sorry this is at the end of the rant. It's not an after thought, it reality. Some times things are complicated. If you want pablum, check the ASDA aisles.