Check this one out.....
Quote:...How much more suffering and indignities must Americans continue to suffer at the hands of illegal invaders, before our government steps in and puts a stop to it?
After a year of horrific DUI killings of Americans by illegal aliens, most of whom had been released at least once by the Feds after not being deemed – as Obama puts it – a “significant threat”, comes a story of horror featuring a grieving South Carolina mom.
Local station WYFF reported the story as follows:
Loretta Robinson was forced to pay for the tow and storage of her son Justin’s wrecked automobile, after he was killed by a drunk driver. The car had to be stored for several months, in anticipation of a trial for Justin’s killer. Loretta Robinson was even billed $50 for cleaning Justin’s blood off the street.
Robinson has received some assistance from the state’s victim assistance fund, but as WYFF reports, “it primarily covers funeral, medical and counseling expenses.” She’s going to have to shoulder the other bills for cleaning up the scene of her son’s death, because “she doesn’t expect she’ll get a cent” from the killer.
Why not?
Because Anna Gonzalez, the woman who killed Justin Robinson, is not a “drunk driver.” She’s an illegal alien who never had a driver’s license, even though she’s lived in South Carolina for 12 years. Gonzalez had been stopped for license violations as recently as last year, but was never detained by ICE. She was sentenced to 17 years in prison for her role in Robinson’s death.
This little fact is not revealed until Page Two of the WYFF web report, and is mentioned late in the video report. Why does the media – large and small – continue to cover up, shield, or censor the immigration status of illegal alien criminals.
“We have to be able, as a country, to figure out a way [to deal] with people here who are illegal and commit crimes,” Loretta Robinson is quoted as saying.
Sorry, Mrs. Robinson, but your President does not agree with you. In fact, you might be racist for thinking so.
And this month alone, Obama has directed his Department of Homeland Security (DHS) to make sure that illegal aliens like Anna Gonzalez are left alone to remain in this country- illegally, but without consequence.
The first directive mandated that all illegal aliens who entered the U.S. illegally when under 16, and is currently under 30 can stay in this country indefinitely – even if they have already been convicted of two misdeameanors.
The second directive came today, when he directed DHS to totally ignore all calls from Arizona police to even report an illegal alien, unless they are wanted on a felony warrant – meaning they can have any number of misdemeanors....
Same basic stupid deal, this **** is about equality and the question of a rogue political party which wants segments of our society as designated voting blocks and is willing to suspend the ordinary idea of equality in order to achieve that.
In cases in which it is deemed necessary to placate artificially enraged voting-block blacks, an innocent person can be persecuted to the point of threatening to send his wife to prison for 17 years to force him to cop a plea to bullshit charges.
In this casethe overriding concern of having "brown" people as a voting block overrides any concern of justice for some poor woman who may have been deemed 10 - 15% off being black enough to ask for justice although I'd guess being two or three shades darker wouldn't have helped.
What happens when voting block blacks and la-raza finally figure out that the country only has room for one of them? Jesus said it best:
Quote:24 No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon.
If the nation is really lucky, the demoKKKrat party may never figure that one out until it's too late[for the dem party]....