Weird blackish dots on/in skin unable to remove

Reply Fri 22 Jun, 2012 12:17 am
Hello! I haven't been on here in a long time but I am in need of your assistance.
So here is the problem...

My boyfriend has these things ALL over him, I'd say maybe a dozen, that are currently visible. About a year ago I was picking zits and blackheads off of his back (like a normal gf lol). While picking what we thought was a blackhead I realized was not. The coloration I would say is that of pencil led and the shape is not uniform. They are on various locations such as, his back, arms, neck, etc. We've been using a scalpel to pick at them and when you lift up like as if trying to pry/pull it out you can hear a loud sound like your chipping away at it. The more you pick at it and open the skin you can see that it is much bigger underneath his skin. These black dots, patches or whatever they may be will not come out of his skin and are attached as if it is part of his skin or rooted to his skin. We have never been able to remove "one" of these things. We have been able to rip tiny pieces out here and there, and when I say rip I mean rip literally. We have gotten a hold of pieces of them with tweezers, hemostats, and actual pliers, but with all of our strength even at the same time for some of them and no result. He's tried just cutting the entire thing out of his skin and that hasn't even worked. It's as if some sort of root system has formed under the surface of his skin. We have stuck needles under strips of these black things in his skin and pulled upward and it will just split in half and still stay attached at all other angles to his skin. We've been searching on the internet for different sort of calcium deposits or pictures and I so far haven't came across what exactly this is. Majority of the things I found online were hard balls under the skin that can be popped out etc. These are like I said unable to be removed and we have spent multiple days trying to remove one of them for hours on end. Also just to add when we do grab a piece with hemostats or pliers and are pulling with all of our strength it is not hurting him, unless we accidentally grab a piece of his skin. So of course, and obviously there is no feeling in these 'things', or we would not be able to pick at them to the extent we do. We have cut, dug, prodded, pried, basically anything you can imagine to get any of these out. Eventually after so many hours we do give up because it is a hopeless effort to even bother. I'm asking him about the scab/ healing part of it right now, he said the scab is different then a regular scab from just say a random cut. He said the scab stays gooey, whitish, fills up with puss, probably infected I'm sure after all the things we've done to it. After the spots we picked "heal" there is always a scar over it, we leave them alone until it becomes inflamed and hurts so he opens it up again, which could potentially be a year or more. He informed me that he has had these on him for years, but we just started picking at them like I said about a year ago.

I just want to say, I know the obvious answer to this problem go seek medical attention, a Dr. etc. I told him there is more than likely a prescription that will dissolve these under his skin. In the meantime, does anyone have any idea what these are? And, has anyone ever known someone else with this problem? I was trying to Google images to compare, but so far no luck. So we would like any knowledge, or links that would help. I really appreciate your time! Also, I will be setting him up with a Dr.'s appointment to resolve this very soon. I don't think it's life threatening, but heck you never know now days. Once again, thank you so much! Have a great night.

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Type: Question • Score: 17 • Views: 63,348 • Replies: 25

Reply Fri 22 Jun, 2012 05:29 am
I don't know, but I'm kind of glad you did get a doctor's appointment. Just on general principles, my suggestion is to quit messing with them.
Reply Fri 22 Jun, 2012 05:36 am
He needs to go to a dermatologist and have it determined whether these are skin cancer. 'Cause from here (and I've seen melanoma on loved ones), that's what it sounds like to me.
Reply Fri 22 Jun, 2012 11:00 am
Me too.

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Reply Mon 10 Mar, 2014 02:34 pm
My boyfriend has the same thing! I just noticed another patch on his neck I got nervous, he said they don't itch or have any symptoms,, they're just there and I can usually squeeze a part of it out but it's like down underneath the skin I can see the hole up close, I see this was from 2012? So maybe you're not on this site anymore but if you are what is it? How was it taken care of? What did the doctor say?
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Reply Wed 9 Sep, 2015 08:07 am
Wow..I have the exact same things on my skin.. They are in random spots all over..the first one I noticed was about a year ago on my cheek that I thought was a black head..well I learned pretty fast that it was not like any other blackhead I had ever seen before! no matter how hard I squeezed, it wouldn't come out??I tried breaking the skin and using tweezers etc. only to leave a big open sore on my face! Still have it today. I have also found a few spots on my arms. I am fair skinned with freckles so it's hard to spot them, but when I do find one I can tell they aren't frekles! I tried to remove one from my arm yesterday. Started by using a needle to break the skin and tried to scrape it to the surface. The spot sort of broke up into smaller spots under my skin..this time I was able to remove it but it was very difficult. The only way I can describe it is the specks appeared to be like tiny specks of dirt while I was scraping them out. I kept pouring peroxide over it after each time I picked at it to help bring it to the surface, because it seemed like the closer I got to it, the deeper it went in my skin. I then used tweezers to try to remove the last biggest speck, and when I pulled at the skin, it was very hard to break off and even made a snapping noise when it finally did come out. I could no longer see a black speck in my skin, but the little piece at the end of the tweezers wasn't even black! It looked like a little piece of skin that was red from blood. I searched my body after that, finding these specks randomly in several spots. I stopped trying to pick at them, because I would end up looking like a crack head! Lol. But I'm freaking out about them..it's just soo strange! Btw. These specks r small. No bigger than a black head, or freckle..sometimes smaller..did anyone ever see a dr. About this? Or have any answers?
Reply Wed 9 Sep, 2015 08:36 am
Go to your doctor and point out the spots to him or her, and ask to be tested for skin cancer.

I ain't kiddin'.

And before you blow my concerns off, know that you can die from skin cancer (Maureen Reagan did).

Better safe than sorry. Make an appointment.
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Reply Wed 30 Sep, 2015 12:05 am
I can't believe it but I think I have the exact thing happening to me. The day before yesterday I saw a few black dots on my skin. I have been bed ridden kind if for about 1 1/2 year. I havn'been out side in all that time so I can't figure how I could catch anything. My friend had bed bugs last year, she said her apartment had several people with them.she also told me that my spots were nothing like her, she only had spots of blood. And she could see them and when she hit one on her bed it broke open and there was blood it the bug. Anyway, last night I noticed I had several more black specks on my chest and tummy. U are right they look like black heads. And I can't pick the black speck or what ever it is, out. I tried picking them out with a sterilized needle and even tried to cut the out with a very tiny pair of medical scissors. I couldn't get any out. Then today when I checked my body, most of the ones I picked had scared but not like I normally scab. The scab was pussy and a kind of telly gold scab. I tried picking at the scab and I could see a black thing in the sore and I still couldn't pick one out. I was so relieved to read your post because I am calling my Doctor tomorrning. I don't need any thing else in my body to go wrong. Nobody does. I think it is some kind of Parisienne but I have no idea whT kind or even how we got it. Lease keep in touch and let me know what u have found out or what your Doctor says or what ever. Ok? I will to.
Reply Wed 30 Sep, 2015 12:54 am
I don't believe I am the person you intended to reply to.
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Reply Thu 15 Oct, 2015 05:59 am
Did you see doctor? My bet is they are clueless too. I've been digging holes all over trying to pull/rip/cut these peices of black out and have yet to be successful. All I do is make a hallow hole and there's still black there. It's confusing and upsetting and has been somewhat torture especially since I've suffered with Skin Picking disorder since trauma of domestic violence. If anyone has any answers please advise. All these years I thought they were freckled until my ex told me they were blackheads. That's ALL I needed to hear to start obsessing to get these things out!!! They ARE rooted it appears !!! Help!!
Reply Thu 15 Oct, 2015 06:12 am
No, they would not be clueless.

Seriously, see a doctor and ask about skin cancer.
Reply Sun 27 Dec, 2015 03:16 am
So what the he'll are they????
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Reply Wed 23 Mar, 2016 11:49 pm
I have the same problem. Small black dots on my face about the size of a blackhead. You can try to squeeze them and they do absolutely nothing. I'm glad to hear I'm not the only one with this problem and if anyone finds out any information please post and let us know. Like I said these are small black dots about the size of blackheads. They can not be squeezed out. I have tried taking a big needle and going under it and it will not come close to getting it out. It will either split my skin open or break the black thing it to smaller pieces. These things seem like they are hard as a rock. When the needle breaks them apart they make a loud clicking noise that shows how hard they are. And yes you can sit there and do some serious damage to yourself trying to pick these things out and not feel it. I've even taken small medical cutters that look like a set of dykes, and grabbed as far down as I could get on one and pulled with all my strength, to be let down when the medical cutters won't even grib and cut into these things well enough to grab and pull it out. And when you are trying to pull it out you can see that it is like rooted into your skin very well and when pulling will raise up a large area of your skin they are in there so well. I have not been able to remove a single one either! So if anyone else has gotten to the doctor or received any information please let me know. I'm a young guy living on his own with a very tight money situation and no medical insurance at the time, so going to see a dermatologist is kind of out of the question at the moment. So please if anyone received any info as to what these things are please let me know!
Reply Thu 24 Mar, 2016 07:07 am
Go to a doctor and have him or her test you for skin cancer. Don't take a damned needle to your face.
Reply Thu 24 Mar, 2016 07:02 pm
I don't take a needle to my face on a regular occasion. I tried it one time because I was trying to get this thing out of my skin. There is no use in using a needle again to try and remove on of these things. That time when I used the needle, I stuck it below one of these dots and lifted up on it triying to get it to pop out or be picked out, but It literally seemed like the needle would bend before it would have gotten out one of these things. It's hard to believe that such a little dot on your face could be such a rock hard little thing, and that you cannot remove them no matter how hard you try or no matter what you use to try to get it out. They are rooted in so well and in combination with being so hard. It is impossible. Eventually you might break it up am into a few smaller pieces, but even after getting broke into a few pieces they are still connected to your skin so well that you can not pull them out. Like someone above said I have tried grabbing them with a set of hemostats, and it will literally pull the skin at around that area up as far as you want to by how hard your pulling. But yet, the little dot still does not pull out. It is so crazy to imagine that this little dot, that looks similar to a black, can be so strong and hard, that you can bend a decent sized need trying to pick it out, and no matter how good of a grip you get and no matter how hard you pull, you still cannot remove this thing. How can something so small be connected and held onto your body so well?! But if you read my earlier post, going to the doctor to have them check this out is kind of out of the question for me at the moment. I am very tight on money right now and have no health insurance. So going to see a doctor will cost me a fortune that I honestly do not have right now. Plus even though seeing these little things on my skin, bother me and cause me to want to pick at it, they really aren't doing any harm I me that I can notice. I have learned to just leave them alone instead of going to war with these things trying to remove them, since I have found that that is literally impossible. I just continue to check this post hoping that someone else who has the ability to go see a doctor and have these things checked out, will do so and post the information that they have found out on here. So that they can inform us people who can't afford another doctor bill at the moment what these things are that we are dealing with, and if they are any harm or need to be removed, or if it is something that some a select few peoples bodies just form for some odd reason. And I understand your concern Jespah and appreciate it. Why do you think that I need to have these checked for skin cancer? Do they resemble or sound like a form of skin cancer?
Reply Thu 24 Mar, 2016 07:12 pm
Yes, they sound like skin cancer (note: I am not a doctor).

And yes, if it's skin cancer, it can kill you.
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Reply Thu 24 Mar, 2016 07:17 pm
Find out if there is a free clinic in your community where a nurse or doc can take a look.
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Reply Sat 13 May, 2017 11:33 pm
I think I have the same things. I think they're parasites. I noticed them a week ago. I also tried to clear up stagnant water that had sat in a wheelbarrow for years and quite possibly had all manner of critters festering under the surface.
By some happy coincidence, two days ago I fancied a salami sandwich. I noticed after holding the salami in my fingers that black dots that had been round my fingernails disappeared and were on the salami!
I know it sounds crazy but try covering them with a piece of salami and see what happens. I expect any ham might do. Don't use a spicy salami they don't seem to go for that. I've not tried straight ham as I know salami is working and it could be that fat content makes a difference.
Anyway, let me know how you get on.
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Reply Sat 8 Jul, 2017 11:50 pm
Did you find out what it was?
I have these 4 dots on the back of my neck and we tried to get them out but it wouldn't come out or even move at all. We know they are not black heads because they look like they are going into my neck but they are under my skin. we tried to use a needle to get them out and it didn't work. when my dad started to mess with them I got really sick and I almost passed out and I don't know why
can anyone please help me?
Reply Sun 9 Jul, 2017 08:42 am
Go see a medical doctor immediately if not sooner.
Oh, and read the rest of this thread.
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