Even though I'm a woman, I'm VERY upset at the fact that society forces a man or boy to treat his minor younger sister differently from his minor younger brother.
Minor = person below 18 years of age.
I hate gender-discrimination against boy-children.
If an older boy mistreats his younger brother, no one cares and society brushes it off as "boys will be boys". However, if an older boy mistreats his younger sister, society jumps on him and screams "abuse", "rape", "you hit a girl", and some other nonsense.
An older-boy-child should be allowed to treat his younger-sister in the same way he is allowed to treat his younger-brother.
If a younger-sister pesters her older-minor-brother, she deserves to be punished. If a boy-child hits his little sister, more than likely, she deserved it.
Once I saw an episode of Law & Order SVU that REALLY infuriated me. A 5-year-old girl was destroying the gadgets used by her helpless 12-year-old brother. This 12-year-old boy was going crazy from emotional trauma. He himself was being molested by an evil adult man. In a fit of rage, this boy goes on a chat room and threatens to kill his younger sister and "steal her innocence". Authorities trace it back to his residence and abuse him.
Elliot Stabler, being the sadist he is, treats the defenseless little boy in the same way he treats adult men who molest little girls. Elliot goes very close to the boy, and starts telling him obscene things that no child should have to hear. The boy's father is understandably very angry at Elliot. The evil authorities threaten to put the child in a "boys' home" unless his father deems him to be mentally-ill.
Younger-minor-sisters are nasty little monsters to their older-brothers. This boy in this Law & Order episode didn't choose to have a younger sister. It's not his fault that she is an evil bitch. Nor is it his fault that society makes evil gender rules forcing boys to defer to girls. In all fairness, I don't blame that little boy if he perpetrates unspeakable acts of mistreatment against his younger sister -- instead, I blame society for abusing boys and spoiling girls into rotten monsters.
As adults, I agree with society, that women should be given more space and treated more gently than men. However, as children, girls are no more weaker, innocent, special, precious, delicate, or sensitive than boys. As children, girls should not be made to feel entitled to any benefits boys don't receive.
As a child, a boy should be raised to be courteous to ADULT women so that he will grow up to be a gentleman to these women.
However, under NO condition, should a boy be expected to treat a little girl differently from another little boy.
I don't want to have children [biological or adopted] for the following reasons:
1. I don't want my potential son suffering the horrors perpetrated against him via the "anti-boy sexism" I discussed. If I had a son, I would be overly-protective of him to the point where it would backfire.
2. I don't want my potential daughter cruelly-exploiting the gender-selective benefits society spoils her with.
So, it's best for my own peace of mind, to be free of any offspring.
I spoke more about this anti-boy sexism in this thread:
Any questions/comments welcome
Thank you,