That's interesting, aspvenom. I've not heard that broached before, at least re repetition/clarification on the same day.
I have a slight memory that in elementary school, teachers would repeat key concepts from the last class, at least sometimes.
I learn things better with repetition myself, and not necessarily lengthy repetition - just thinking about the idea a second and maybe third time. That happened in my schooling, especially at university, as I wrote sloppy notes as best I could - sometimes from non native english speakers, one swedish and one russian, so some of the notes were phonetic - but also from fast lecturers who were clear but speaking faster than I could process entirely or at least write sensibly. Then I would go to the library or at worst later that day, rewrite my notes so I had them in good form and was clear on the concepts.
I guess it depends on the person listening and the person teaching. Some teachers clearly followed some outline form, so, easy notes, and some seemed to ramble roads of thoughts - those were interesting too.
Do kids still take notes? Or at least doodle on paper?
I'm one of the people that didn't mind homework - for me it helped get the math lesson further in my brain. Of course I'm against stupid homework, but what is stupid probably varies in people's views.
Some people are just brilliant in some subjects. A lifetime friend skipped most of an advanced chem class (biochem, I think it was) over a semester, just went through the book, got a top grade among a large number of students in all the tests.