Mon 18 Jun, 2012 03:09 am
The Meal tub plot, was, as far as I can ascertain, a hoax plot, a bit like the Titus Oates fracas, but I can find very little on the web or, for that matter, in the standard reference books on this subject. can anyone help? I know it was uncovered on 23/10/1679
I've never heard of it. However, i wanted to point out that Titus Oates was not a hoax, he was very real. He was fostering a lie, but it lead to serious anti-catholic riots in London, and caused a good deal of grief for Charles II. Other than references in other works, the only biography i've read of Charles II is the one by Antonia Fraser, and i don't recall it being mentioned by her. Given her deserved reputation for careful scholarship, i consider that sigificant.
OK, this was so simple i can't think you tried very hard:
Elizabeth Cellier and the meal tub plot.
Either Fraser mentions this and i've forgotten, or she didn't think it important enough to include it (it is, after all, a biography of Charles II, not James Stuart).
Agreed Titus Oates was very real, and his threat equally so, but his rantings and perceived threats were fabricated. As for Cellier, I saw her on wikipedia and was sufficiently intrigued to try to find out more about the 'MealTub' plot - so far, very little - mayhap it, as you say, warranted little or no mention as it was of little or no consequence - but then why would she be up before the beaks and threatened with death....? the reason I ask is because I have just finished writing a book, ready for the publishers, and saw this date thinking it might be of use to me....It is all the more intriguing!