Thu 7 Jun, 2012 03:48 am
I know this is lame, in-sane, tame..
But, sometimes we all need a HUG.
I need one, diabetic dog, 16.5 year old Pomeranian, that can't sleep unless i spend time hugging her, I'm up at 6am everyday due to diabetic dog, and I am working my azz of for ONE sale, just ONE... Universe.
Anyways.. I need a hug.... Feel free to do so or not..
And to ask for one, due to your day's adventures.
I'll take (and provide one). Big job interview today. Mind the hair, please.
Hugs and thanks

Good luck Jes... You'll nail it !!!!
Thank ya!
I am guessing I shouldn't wear my fuzzy slippers to the interview?
Gawd no...Sheez, black skirt, stockings, white shirt, hair a mess and smile
HAHA.. These boots were made for walking....
But, then bedroom hair and no shoes works for me
What's this?
Free hugs going?
OK, I'll be in that!
Not that I particularly
need one ... it hasn't been a particularly ghastly day, or anything like that ...
I just wouldn't want those perfectly good hugs to go to waste!
Also, it's cold tonight ... might warm me up a bit.
Hugs to you both, jespah & FS!
Free like your spirit
Hugs just to keep you warm Ms Msolga
As the only male here sofar, and being shy at that, can I offer you all a solid bear hug?

Rather cold here tonight so here goes. ((((crew))))
i don't know, this thread ain't so big
hug, not huge
((((crew)))) hug Dutchy, all welcome.. Bears hug hard don't they, don't know about that
MsOlgaaaaaaa glad you feel warm.. Dutchy , keep warm.. Me, I feel better already... Jes, HOPE YOU GET THE JOB!
Group hug for the hamsters!
or chinchillas, or whatever the hell they are.
Big ol' hug for you, FOUND SOUL!
Good luck with the dog.
And good luck with that interview, jespah!
Hugs here, get your free hugs here.
Big Hugs - see above.
or small hugs (hug).
I've got a lot of hugs to spare
I'm sleepy. Zzz. Mind if I just rest my head?
Interview went well. I think. I need a nap.
Hampsters, Rats, Chinccch... 6 little fat ones Ceili covered that

Fanks George, fingers crossed Jes...
I need a hug right now with the temperature being just 4 degrees here this morning. brrrr