I don't want to digress from the original post, but come on, I hope you don't believe that an increase in ice cream sale increases the crime rate in a year.
And don't take us "Americuns" as trigger happy fellas.
Hopefully nobody needs to use a concealed weapon, but if the need ever arises, in a way where a concealed weapon would prevent **** from hitting the fan, then not having a concealed weapon with you may lead to the most regretful decision in one's life.
High population density cities = low per-capita incomes, high unemployment rate, numerous one parent households.
A perfect environment for criminals to breed.
If there were current studies (2005-2011) of crime rate/ pop. density, I would quote it, but I haven't found any still, so the alternative is common sense.
I tell you this, say as a social experiment, that you ban guns in America, the crime rates will double, because criminals will find some way to get hold of them, and law enforcement still will have access. This will only leave law abiding citizen to be vulnerable to any type of force from the parties that do still possess them.
I mean have you forgotten 9/11, such an occurrence opens up possibilities of what can happen at our door step, in additional to petty crimes. And Canada is no more safe than America regarding international crimes.