Mon 16 Feb, 2004 04:00 pm
Challenging her is a very good idea. I actually do it man times, and she also does. And I do not give out my compliments for free. Many times she tells me that she "misses me"..and I reply back saying that I haven't missed her yet :p Or I need more time to miss her and so on. In tis way, i'll be teasing her and making myself more valuable. Besides, we've known each other for a whole year and we never met. I'm sure that im a valuable guy to her.
By the way know what? I actually think she is NOT a virgin..and this maybe the biggest secret she feels like telling me about, but is worried I might change my mind about her...even though I did make it clear that my reactions are as stable and calm as they can possibly be. Or she might have another secret with a similar magnitude.
Anyway, here's the plan:
My goal is to make her more attracted to me, and more tempted to meet me. For that to happen, I should make myself 1) more valuable 2) more good to talk to 3) more intimate and exciting.
Now to do that, I reckon I should do the following:
1) Talk to her less often (make her miss me more):
Like we usually talk on the phone like once every 2 days or so. We message everyday. But this time im going to talk to her like twice a week max, and message her every 2 or 3 days. Same applies to online going to chat with her less often, BUT with every chat, message or phone call, i'll have to make sure il be entetaining, outgoing and good to talk to. In that way, she'll be craving for each and every message or pohone callf rom me.
(Do you think this is okay guys or it just decrease the intensitiy of the whole thing and gradually turn it off???)
2) More intimate e-mails:
E-mails that are closer, deeper, more entertaining..a bit longer..just valuable enough to make her wait for them, reply to them with an open heart and speak out. In this way, she'll feel more comfortable with the idea of me, and we'll definitely become closer.
3) After I do that for a week or so, i'll be asking her out:
This time im gonna give her some space. Like i'll ask her on Monday if she'd like to meet in the weekend..she'll have time to free herself and so excuse for not meeting me. IF she doesn't do that and refuses AGAIN (which i doubt!) im simply going to step away bit by bit, and never ask for a meeting again. It would be her turn to do so this time. Or else, its over.
What do you guys think? Any good ideas/suggestions?
Thanks in advance
Hey there!
Well actually im not Israeli

What made you think I am ?
Anyway I guess I should've posted this message in another topic where there's a follow up for it. Go to "What IS it with this gurl?" and you'll find a whole discussion about the story.
Thanks for the advice...getting acquainted with another internet fantasy lady is one good idea. A backup! lol