Sat 2 Jun, 2012 10:43 pm
The teachings of genetics have hurt many millions of students and adults. It has created from those false teachings much anxiety and many forms of escape, from drug/alcohol abuse to violence and suicide by thousands of students each year.
My learning theory shows how our own individual environments greatly affect our lives in ability to think, learn, and have motivation to learn or mental reward received for mental work expended. Through our individual environments some students have been able to accumulate much in academic knowledge and skills while many other students who are just as intelligent and have the same work ethic, are not able to accumulate those skills and stagnate early in the learning process. The theory also shows how our individual environments also greatly affect our mental/emotional health. This theory shows how we can now approach our individual environments more delicately to continually improve thinking, learning, and mental/emotional health.
By showing students how our individual environments greatly affect our abilities and our mental health, students will now have tools to continually change and improve their lives. This will free students and adults from the horrible myth of permanence in ability. Students and adults will now have much more respect and esteem for themselves and for others by recognizing how each one’s environment as either contributed to their goals or has worked against their goals. In either case, students using my environmental theory will now have tools to continually improve their lives.
Try to picture an upright rectangle representing our full mental energy. Then begin drawing from the bottom, narrowly spaced, horizontal lines to represent layers of small and some large layers of mental frictions our minds may be working on consciously or subconsciously. The space we have left represents our leftover ability to think, learn, and grow mentally and emotionally. The length of this space represents our length of reflection time or time to think deeply to consider long-term rewards or consequences for a course of action. This shows how our individual environments greatly affect our ability to think and learn. Persons with high layers of mental frictions will have to work harder to receive the same mental reward for mental work expended. Ask yourself, are we genetically more or less able or do our individual environments greatly affect our ability to think, learn, and develop skills over time. For our own good, we need to recognize how our individual environments greatly affect ability and how we can more permanently reduce mental frictions to continually improve thinking, learning, and mental/emotional health.
This tool provides a way to permanently reduce layers of mental frictions. We need to do more than just solve a problem creating a mental friction. We need to look at the elements in our lives that create mental frictions or problems and our values that may be creating those problems. Then, we can begin to understand a little more each day how the elements of our circumstances and problems are creating mental frictions as they come up. Then with a small change in a weight or value we are placing on something in our lives and developing a mental principle or rule in a certain area of our life we can then resolve and more permanently remove that layer of mental friction. By slowly understanding how layers of mental frictions are created, we can then learn to approach those elements in our lives more correctly to keep like mental frictions from occurring in the future. This enables “all of us” to more permanently reduce layers of mental frictions that hurt our ability to think and learn.
Three or four year olds are able learn easily because they have few accumulated mental frictions. As we get older we have the same upright rectangle but accumulate more layers of mental frictions. The Savant is able to perform mathematical or musical feats because theoretically, the mind is dysfunctional in many areas and is delivering extra mental energy to other areas like math or music. Since we as so-called, normal human beings are affected adversely by layers of mental frictions in other areas of the mind, which function normally, our abilities in such areas are by comparison, impeded.
With each more permanently removed layer of mental friction we will continually improve thinking, learning, and extend reflection time (think more deeply, with more complexity, and more correctly). Remember, to more permanently reduce layers of mental frictions we need to change the principle or value that created that mental friction, “not just solve that problem” to prevent similar mental frictions from occurring.
The box shows how layers of mental frictions hurt ability to think and learn. The space left shows our leftover ability for thinking, learning, and performing mental work. The more space we have, the more we are able to think with more complexity or improve abstract thinking. The top of the chart shows how high layers of mental frictions can create psychological suffering that may create escapes such as drug/alcohol abuse, violence, and suicide. The vertical line on the top left represents our length of reflection time. A shorter reflection time and psychological suffering can lead to many harmful escapes that would not occur had there been lower layers of mental frictions before that situational stress had occurred. By more permanently lowering layers of mental frictions, we can prevent many deadly forms of escape and increase our reflection time or time we take to think, plan, and make decisions. My learning theory and many applications will go to all on request.
mayfieldga wrote:The teachings of genetics have hurt many millions of students and adults.
Evidence, please?
mayfieldga wrote:My learning theory shows how our own individual environments greatly affect our lives in ability to think, learn, and have motivation to learn or mental reward received for mental work expended.
What refutable hypotheses does can you deduct from your theory, and what empirical evidence have you tested them against?