A good friend, originally orthodox jew, later other, loved chinese food and used 'chink' as a word. He didn't think it was racist, as in, are you kidding? He liked them, shut up.
He had a close encounter with a good chinese restaurant in beverly hills, after the day that his daughter made the den catch fire (I truly do not remember the details) and they ate elsewhere for a long time, most of those days, yes, at the chink's. He wasn't rich but he had insurance.
I used to be embarrassed, when some years later after I'd met him we'd arrive there and be taken before anyone in line.
That's where we had our wedding dinner, including jellyfish.
Things are more complicato than they seem, sometimes.
He's also the guy who instigated our trek to Hanford and the Imperial Dynasty.
RIP, Richard Wing.
Hard to remember - I think he was seventeen years older than me, each of us firey in our ways, he way more learned, me with the but...., and I was eleven years older than my husband, no slouch at fireyness temperately spoken.