Sat 19 May, 2012 03:37 am
I'm not sure what to wear to a sunday lunch date! if we were going to the olive garden I'd have no issue, but he has invited me to a pretty fancy place, where the cheapest appetizer is $22, they have 100+ different types of water... WATER. He is used to places like this, but I have only been a handful of times to places comparable. So I really don't know what you would wear to a late lunch date (2pm). I really only have a few things even remotely approprate to wear. Pants are out of the question - I only have jeans. I do have a few dresses. one is a high neck red dress, its very sweet, I'd say similar to what zoey in "new girl" would wear. A grey cardigan over would look nice, I think. My only problem is the dress is very short. Does the high neck make it ok?? And if I wear flats would this assist in making it appropriate??? What would anyone suggest instead?? Help!
So, are you 18? 45? 107? Nobody here knows.
How short is short? Just above the knee? Butt-grazingly high?
Well my my rule of thumb is your attire should match the atmosphere that your gonna be in, if it doesn't makes some changes to what you plan on wearing.
The red dress will be fine, especially when you have nice slender legs and you're not past 40

Just brush up on your table manners, that's more important!
I say wear what you like. Don't worry about the opinions you might get from other people. You will still look good to him either way. Dont forget makeup!!(:
Or forget a lot of makeup. Customs vary a good deal re makeup.
I always say you can't go wrong with simple classics. Be understated.
Like cj said, the outfit you described sounds fine. Not flashy, not like you're "trying" too hard.
Jenn0710 wrote:
I say wear what you like. Don't worry about the opinions you might get from other people. You will still look good to him either way. Dont forget makeup!!(:
So, what if she doesn't like to wear makeup?
You're advice can backfire. Perhaps he won't think she looks good, maybe she's trying to have others to formulate a good opinion of her.
how old are you anyway?
it looks like you're going to a nice place, wear a nice dress.. not too short.
A very short dress on a cute young woman is always appropriate and welcomed.
Yeah and in your eyes especially if she's 12.
MMarciano wrote:
Yeah and in your eyes especially if she's 12.
Where does she say she is 12yo? I never would have said what I said if I knew she is 12.
I am more like the kind of retro, or wear loose and comfortable clothes
Olive Garden ?? You mean the 2 for $25 Italian place?
Anything goes, including after church wear to nice blue jeans. No bare midriff or shorts, T-shirts or dirty clothes.
Dress casually.
She said it wasn't an Olive Garden type place. (I've only been there once, caramba!)
Wonder how that date worked out; it's been a while.
The red dress with grey cardigan sounds great. Flats are fine.
I will see you on Sunday.
they had a hook up or two, sevceral outings and now theyre broke up.
I heard they went to the library, and he spilled gator aide on her nook.
That was that.
But she sent him the cleaning bill.