Wed 16 May, 2012 05:22 am
(My mother language isn't English. Please excuse me for my English ability)
1, give up all false religions.
2, eliminate the elderly losing ability and potential for work gradually, help and train weak youths and mid adults having potential value .
3, give up all marriages and families, implement social upbringing and education for all children .
4, develop protective clothing and light weapons to resist physical violence,making females and short thin males release their potential better.
5,nationalized land and large enterprises , let small enterprises continue to be privately owned.
6, promote world multipolarization, then boost global integration on aspects of language, society and politics .
7, Simplify letters ,soundmark and grammar of English greatly .
8, modify disorderly calendar and time sequence, and abolish " QWERTY" keyboard.
9, Develope precise molecular food to replace today's rough food.
10, Explore collision laws to replace the mechanics of now.
1, give up all false religions.
All religions can not properly explain phenomena in the universe. Physical or chemical dynamic balance between synthesis and decomposition of all kinds of substance constitute all phenomena in the universe. Photons synthesize proton, neutron and electron, then synthesize atom, compound , plant, animal and humankind;inversely dead people and animals are gradually broken down. Ther are some cases about dynamic balance: dynamic balance between all kinds of life and death in ecological system of society,dynamic balance between synthesis and decomposition of various cells in human body ,dynamic balance between pain and pleasure of everyone's whole life.When force of the universe (mainly solar force ) make synthesis of lives surpass decomposition of lives , human productivity can develop; conversely, humankind will retrogress or even die out.
The universe seems as a massive spring system made up of countless dynamic springs that connect and influence one another. Every spring corresponds to one object or one particle, extension and retraction of spring correspond to decomposition and synthesis of substance.Every spring constantly extends or retracts and influences extension and retraction of other springs.Everyone is also like one spring in spring system, extension and retraction of spring respectively correspond to pain and pleasure of person, synthesis and decomposition of all substance in our environment can more or less influence our pain and pleasure.
So powerful and metabolic force of environment is dominant force to everyone's fate , all gods do not exist.
All religions are false heresies of which difference is different degree of falseness . Three American Presidents ( George W. Bush, George Bush and Clinton ) kneeled down to the Pope 's remains in 2005, which was insult to science .
2, eliminate gradually the elderly who have lost ability and potential for work , help and train the weak youths and mid adults having potential value .
At every specific natural condition, the universe gives humankind a survival quota. Current quota is 7 billions or so, in future the quota will perhaps reduce to 1 billion , 0.1 billion, 1 million...... 0 as natural condition worsen. The quota is always too little so that all people struggle for survival. Allocating the limited chances for survival is responsibility of rulers of society , rulers should give chances for survival to the people who have ability or potential to repay the society .
Useless elders live leisurely by pensions and can't repay society. Though the pensions are what they ever payed ,they have lost social value now and their existence occupy survival quota of others and waste social resources.
The government should immediately stop to levy pension from workers , gradually return pensions that people have payed and gradually abolish the rights of the elderly to get pensions . In future the government should compel the elderly who have been unemployed for two years to accept euthanasia.
Only the rights of the elderly to get pensions are completely abolished society can permanently solve the problem of population's aging . Everyone should work until he is close to death . The people who work until 99 years old
and die at 100 years old are human models; the people who work until 65 years old and die at 100 years old are social moths. Now a lot of centenarians are social moths.
In particular the countries such as China and India should abolish rights of the elderly to get pensions as soon as possible to reduce their population.
If the elderly without value are eliminated youths and mid adults will get more chances for survival,the youths and mid adults who commit crime because of living pressure will reduce substantially. Social security will be improved substantially because youths and mid adults are the people with best ability for crime.
The government should help all weak youths and mid adults with potential , giving them basic cost of living allowances, basic medical insurance and skills training opportunities. Help to them is not only help to social harmony but also investment behavior with social profit , because, the strong and the weak are not static, the weak with potential will be able to become the strong after training and create value for society. The strong and the weak shifting frequently is driving force of social development .
3, give up all marriages and families, implement social upbringing and education for all children .
(1) Love is foundation of marriage and family , need is foundation of love. Human needs change constantly with time and space so love is easy to deteriorate. Some babyish girls like asking boys:" do you really love me?". In fact, all love is real love, difference among much love is shelf life of love.
. Marriage and family are fragile.
(2) Existence of family seriously hinder optimal allocation of resources.Poorness, quarrel , fight,divorce or death of parents ,wrong interference and child-abuse from parents , will hinder development of children; and children's trouble can also impact life and work of parents. In short, family is baggage for parents and children, abolishing family will liberate parents and children and greatly improve efficiency of society.
So people should seek temporary helpmates on the basis of metabolic needs and abandon all marriages and families. The society without marriage and family can work so:
(1) Temporary couples give their child to government to support and educate, then they will be not the sociological parents but the biological parents of the child , there will be not any direct right and obligation between parents and children.
(2)Government tax workers to establish some special places for fostering and educating healthy children at every area,hiring professional nurses and teachers .The children with inborn serious defects will be euthanized.
(3) As all children will be adopted by the government women will not volunteer for the society to give birth to child. The government should reward all puerperae, enabling their fertility match population demand of society .
(4) All adults may go to the places for fostering and educating children in their spare time to play with children with philanthropic mindset .
4, develop protective clothing and light weapons to resist physical violence,making females and short thin males release their potential better.
Tall or strong males are the most powerful people of the society and act as leader roles in most key fields, oppressing and dominating females and other males. The weak and the ruled abidingly try to resist and challenge the strong and the rulers to gain more power, which is inexorable law of society and driving force of social development . It's absolutely impossible that tall or strong males will be able to dominate the society forever.
Overall, the tall or strong males surpass others in physical strength and intelligence but their intellectual advantage comes from physical strength. Physical advantage makes them have sufficient self-defense ability, so that they can safely act in wider social space and have more development opportunities, they are the masters of the earth. Females and other males without sufficient self-defense ability can only live like vegetables in greenhouse cowardly and passively , they are only boarders on the earth , so their intellectual development is greatly restrained.
So having sufficient self-defense ability is basic condition for the weak to challenge the strong. The United States has never one female president because females have never sufficient self-defense ability and social initiative.
Guns can't adequately defend the weak so engineers should develop protective clothing , similar to spacesuit,and some nonlethal light weapons. Protective clothing must be bulletproof,knifeproof, coldproof and heatproof with rearview mirror and night-vision equipment thus the weak can get systemic protection from 360 degrees . Is this feasible?Problem is price of protective clothing, but its price will reduce to acceptable degree for most people with development of science and technology .
With protective clothing and light weapons, the weak especially females will no longer fear and depend on tall or strong males and defeating the strong become possible. But all sorts of female clothing , cosmetics and the products for breast enlargement can only maintain or strengthen female vase role.The social cost to design, manufacture and use protective clothing and light weapons will be not more than the cost of female supplies such as cosmetics.People's trouble from wearing protective clothing is not greater than female trouble from wearing high-heeled shoes,remaining with long hair and using sun umbrella ,because people wear it only in dangerous outdoor environment.
Once this kind of protective clothing popularize, tall or strong males will be unable to use physical violence and stature will be not their survival advantage but perhaps their burden . People will never worship and aspire for tall and strong stature so that all occupation sport games will disappear and intensity of all sports will reduce. All high intensity sports will be substantially modified or abandoned, for example , football field will be narrowed or football sport will be abandoned. Human food consumption will be substantially reduced, which is conducive to environmental protection.
Damage to society from male physical strength is far greater than its contribution to society, physical violence is the most evil force in the world .
In future human gender differences will be mainly decided by intelligence and ideology. Male androgen and aggressivity will reduce, female androgen and aggressivity will increase.
5,Nationalized land and large enterprises , let small enterprises continue to be privately owned.
Private small enterprises are the most active enterprises, they are the main source of social innovation.But, once they become large enterprises and their founders become very rich, their innovation ability is far worse than before. Growing path of tycoons is usually from " wisdom creating wealth" to " wisdom and wealth creating wealth", they use capital advantage to suppress or acquire small enterprises with better innovation capability. Many billionaires's ability and contribution to society don't match their wealth and power.
In 2011 property of American richest person, Bill. Gates, is 59 billions dollars . Property of one undergraduate who has worked for 2 years is perhaps 59,000 dollars. That is to say Bill. Gates is as worthy as 1 million young undergraduates! But today's Bill. Gates 's contribution to society is surely less than 1,000,000 undergraduates or himself in 1990 years . Value difference among people is greatly magnified by private ownership .
In the society of private ownership the proletariat are not master of society and there is ingrained contradiction between the bourgeoisie and the proletariat , which makes the mankind cannot generate strong resultant force.
In today's society, any beautiful ad doesn't mean good quality of product , large amount of advertising is rubbish of capitalism . If a fully democratic government takes over all large enterprises we need only one large-scale enterprise in every industry . For example, government of USA should merge all big banks, automobile companies, energy companies, software companies into" Bank of USA, Automobile of USA,Energy of USA , Software of USA". Congress of USA should establish an enterprise committee to lead and supervise these large companies. Investment experts like Warren. Buffett are very suitable to be members of the committee. These large enterprises develop different products with different prices according to different groups of people , the quality inspection institutions of government regularly announce quality inspection report about all products of all large enterprises to whole society . Quality and credibility of all products of all large enterprises stand for quality and credibility of government , these products will no longer need compete by advertising. Internal ,full and healthy competition among national enterprises will replace malign competition. Only small enterprises will still need advertising.
At the same time government that own all shares of all large enterprises won't sell any share to anyone so stock trading will exist only in small enterprises. People will no longer spend too much energy to dally with virtual wealth and will devote the real economy.
Too many private capital hinder development of society, government should force all bosses whose enterprises just become large to sell all of their stocks, then the enterprise committee of government hire the most suitable CEO openly . The original founders of these buyed enterprises may apply for working as CEO or found their next small enterprise . In this way, phenomenon about " wealth create wealth" will be substantially suppressed ," wisdom creat wealth " will promote development of social productivity.
The United States is a country with complete private ownership and individualism , which example most other countries . But USA costs much resource in criminal damage, preventing and cracking down on various criminal. And USA costs much resource in making and displaying various advertising, in inundant and speculative dealing in securities. So comprehensive efficiency of USA isn't high enough.
We should clearly delineate the rights and obligations of every person and carry out sufficient competitions, but we should also enhance social cohesion by nationalizing all large enterprises and lands. Individualism and collectivism, private ownership and state ownership can coexist in a democratic and efficient society.
6, promote world multipolarization, then boost global integration on aspects of language, society and politics .
If the whole world use the same language, constitution, currency, traffic rules and telecommunications networks, efficiency and productivity of humankind will greatly improve .
There are two possible ways to unify the earth , one is George W. Bush's unilateralism, the other is establishing the earth federation based on voluntary of primary countries . The first way has been impossible because hard power and soft power of USA can't unify the world . As communication and internet develope rapidly human wisdom and power have been dispersing from USA instead of converging to USA. Process of converging to USA was around in 1945 - 2000.
The process to form Earth Federation will be rough . Only USA is superpower in current world . Power of USA has been weakening in the past ten years but comprehensive power based on GDP, military power, soft power, technology and resources is still far ahead of any other country. In ten years the second superpower won't appear because the EU will be not able to unify herself (the euro zone will probably split temporarily ) and China can't become a high-quality country in ten years.
In the second decennium of future, divisive euro and EU will achieve complete reunification under pressure from USA and China. Europe is located in the center of human populated areas. After negation of negation euro will become the world's first currency and EU will become the most powerful country in the world.And EU will lead the world people to form the earth federation voluntarily by soft power .
Humans had gone from slave society to feudal society , from feudal society to capitalist society. Basic characteristic of these two processes is " power flow faster than before" or " flowability of power strengthen".Power had flowed at a faster rate to more civilians of greater extent so that potential of a large number of civilians expressed . Now humans need greatly strengthen flowability of power again to let potential of more civilians express to develop productivity further. The second to the sixth revolution will make power flow from useless old people to others, from families to individuals, from tall or strong males to others, from the bourgeoisie to the proletariat, from large and powerful countries to most countries.
7, Simplify letters ,soundmark and grammar of English greatly .
English is the most popular language so simplifying complicated English will alleviate burden of people all over the world .
(1) Unifying letter form and soundmark of all English words :
1)Merge all equivocal soundmarks: [a:]+[∧]=[a];[כ]+[:כ]=[o]; +=;+=;[ə:]+[ə]=[ə] ; [æ]+[e]=[e]; [l]+[δ]=[l];[з]+[dз]=[з];[z]+[dz]=[z];[n]+[ŋ]=[n]
2)Let " θ,∫, з,ə" displace "q, x, y,c " as there are not [q], [x] ,[y]and [c] .
So there are 6 single vowels and 20 single consonants , the 26 soundmarks just match the 26 letters and the letter combinations " iə,eə,əu,au,ei,ai,uə,oi" respectively match " [iə],[eə],[əu],[au],[ei],[ai],[uə],[oi]", and the consonant combinations also follow the same rules.Let "[a], [e], , [o], , [ə]" become
the soundmarks of the vowel letters "a, e, i, o, u, ə" .
Delete all silent letters in all words and revise most words according to above rules.For example,Inli displace English,əmerikə displace America, Juərə displace Europe, t∫ainə displace China,Ra∫ə displace Russia,osiзən displace oxygen,ju displace you,kwe displace quest,∫uə displace sure,.t∫e displace chest, keibl displace cable,"Keibl Nju Newə(KNN)" displace "Cable News Network(CNN)". So that we can unify letter form and soundmark of all English words,and English will become more simple.
New letters and soundmarks are below:
( 2) abolish all fuzzy consonants b,d,f,g,k,p,s,t,v,z,sh,ch at the end of closed syllables.For example, let Inli replace English , prezidən replace president ,kækjulei replace calculate, krimə replace Christmas. So English words will be not cumbersome. Moreover French, Spanish, Italian, Chinese and Japanese are all the languages dominated by open syllables .
( 3) Simplify grammar greatly .
1) Merge am, is, are into be and merge was, were into wə.
2) Let "be do, pa do, ha do, paha do ,wə do, wi do, wu do" respectively replace" be doing ,do-ed, have done, had done, was ( were ) doing, will do, would do" ( "pa, ha, paha, wə,wi, wu "respectively coming from" past, have, past have, were, will, would"). And abolish Singular From in Third Personal of all verbs , all verbs at present tense don't change. Let "bai do" replace " be done" to express passive voice.
3) Let NOUN-sə express plural forms of all nouns. But after numerals or after "many" , all nouns maintain original shape such as " two computer" and " many computer".
8, modify disorderly calendar and time sequence, and abolish " QWERTY" keyboard.
(1) Let "365 days = 28 days * 13 months +1 day" .
In the current calendar, we have to spend a lot of brain cells to remember "what day is today" and "how many days does this month have ". If we implement the calendar " 365 = 28 * 13+1" , lots of our brain cells can be liberated from disorderly calendar to think meaningful things.
(2) Let " 6 o'clock " be " 0 o'clock " and the first hour of every day.
Average sunrise time of every year is around 6 o'clock . "tonight" what we now call actually includes 18:00-24:00 of today and 0: 00-6:00 of tomorrow. When most people just get up in morning six or seven hours of one day have passed. So time sequence of now is very ridiculous.
(3) Let simple keyboard replace evil and disorderly " QWERTY" keyboard of computers and mobile phones. Dvorak keyboard is better than QWERTY keyboard but we should further improve Dvorak keyboard. Place five vowel letters in the right of the second row of keyboard because the English words of which first letter is consonant are far more than the words of which first letter is vowel .
9, Develope precise molecular food to replace today's rough food.
Most people are not sure that expensive shark fin, bird's nest, abalone are really what their bodies need and really beneficial to their health. We do not know which chemistry matter is what our bodies need , which chemistry matter those expensive foods contain and which chemical reactions will happen after those foods go into our bodies.
Inventers should develope the equipments that can help us to quickly and accurately measure out what our bodies need ,and develope lots of precise molecular food. At the same time we all need to master more chemistry knowledge so that we can eat foods as clearly as noonday.
10, Explore collision laws to replace the mechanics of now.
In physics universal gravitation exists between any two particles or objects , electromagnetic force exists between any two protons or electrons . But these are both wrong. In fact, any force doesn't exist between any two particles or objects . They" attract" or "exclude" each other because their distance become smaller or larger after they are collided and extruded by other particles or objects . Collision is the root cause of all phenomena of the universe, force is only used to describe collision iconically.
Shelf life of all laws of mechanics is not long and we should not have blind faith in them. Physicists should find universal collision laws as soon as possible to explain all force.