Sat 12 May, 2012 12:50 pm
Hi, im only 16 years old and lately ive been having dreams where i feel dizzy and it happens throught the whole dream, and when i wake up i feel dizzy, ive been trying to see whats wrong with me, wondering if its a medical situation or maybe im stressed or something. Also feel a littl pain in my body during the dizzy dream, but not very often, and sometiumes im not fully sleep, i feel like im having a dizzy day dream.
You might have mild labyrinthitis.
By any chance Ball are you taking Atenolol for hypertension
so you suggest i should go see a doctor or is there a over the counter medicatioon that i could use ?
should see a doctor. If he thinks you have labyrinthitis he may prescribe an antibiotic. Dizziness can also have other causes such as low blood pressure.
You may not actually be having dreams, it may be reality...
You may have low blood pressure, when I was 16 this happened to me in life.
I would get a blood test... sweet.