1979 in london . we had just arrived from toronto and were going to a pub for lunch - at about 11: 30.
being strangers , we thought we'd better sit at back of the pub .
the " pubician " suggested we sit at the front , because " the band will be setting up soon and the ' boids ' will be coming " .
we had NO idea what would happen but followed his advice .
a band of four musicians came in at 11:45 and at12 o'clock sharp " the boids " and a group of well-dressed fellows streamed in .
while the band was played loudly - but not very we ll - many pints and sandwiches were consumed - all the while the people were girating on the floor .
12:45 the musicians picked up their instruments , had a pint and left .
the " boids " and guys were all gone by 1 - and it was as quiet as in a chapel in that pub ( it was the " Royal raglan " ) .
" dance during lunch ? " - definetely in london in 1979 .