Roberta wrote:
Nope. I got an A in philosphy in college. I figure I thunk enough along those lines. (BTW, my prof said that he thought I had a very unusual mind.)
Well, you had an unusually perceptive prof, obviously.
I minored in philsoophy. So very little of the nonsense posted on A2k by the resident philosophers is actually new to me. But these guys here (and I don't want to mention any names -- you know who you are) who haunt the pholosophy/theology threads and pounce on any topic at all have the unenviable gift of just plain ovderthinking everything. It's obvious from the replies of some that they've given the matter under discussion a great deal of thought. A great deal
less thought might have led to a far preferable conclusion and certainly a more readable summary of one's point of view.
I'm a firm believer in the law of gravity, for instance. I don't have to think about whether it's self-delusional to believe this.