Thu 18 Sep, 2014 09:03 am
Help!!! My facebook friends have all unfriended me and they even blocked me. How can I get even?
Either you must done something to upset them or they are not real friends. Don't take FB too seriously. As long as you still have friends at school, it's good.
No no no. But you don't understand. My friends help me. All the time they help me. Why they turn their back right wen I need?
If you have class with those who blocked or unfriended you, ask them why. There's nothing much you can do.
They're not really your friends. If they were, they would've told you when you missed the joke
Sorry. It's a parody on the many facebook threads that pop up on this site. Please don't be offended.
Thanks for the morning laugh there Edgar.
You've been unfriended because you're a ******* slut who sleeps around.
It's not easy to maintain one's virginity while doing that. I think it speaks well of my character. Why would anybody take offense to unfriend me.
edgarblythe wrote:
Sorry. It's a parody on the many facebook threads that pop up on this site. Please don't be offended.
I'm offended by the very existence of Facebook and do my best to avoid it most days, but not by your fine sense of humor, edgar.
@Lustig Andrei,
I was apologizing to the person on here that took me seriously. I regret very much that I exposed the person to that.
I will unfriend anyone that takes a fence. I don't like stealing.
edgarblythe wrote:I was apologizing to the person on here that took me seriously. I regret very much that I exposed the person to that.
And you know the person took you seriously because . . . .?
edgarblythe wrote:
Help!!! My facebook friends have all unfriended me and they even blocked me. How can I get even?
You just reminded me to block you Edgar. Thanks Bud! For the reminder I mean.
One can read between the lines but in this case, reading the lines will suffice..
How about it? Do I get reinstated?
Well, you need to ask nicely..