Quote:Ideology trumps everything for you.
Ah Kettle, please remind me of your pragmatism so devoid of ideology.
When the excesses of any political system require the Piper to be paid, the result is very often an excessive response.
This is where Greece now finds itself.
By Neo-Nazis, I assume you mean The Golden Dawn Party.
What a lyrical name. It reminds me of The Shining Path of Peru. Don't you love it when poets find politics?
Should we be surprised that in a country in which the national free ride is perceived, by the passengers, as being derailed by foreign powers that nationalism would become attractive?
As long as Greece remains a democracy (which is not likely to be for much longer) the Greeks seem bound and determined to ignore their plight and vote in anyone who tells them what they want to hear:
"Austerity won't work! The government doesn't need to spend less, it needs to spend more!"
And more insidiously, perhaps:
"Our dire straits aren't the fault of true Greeks, it's the immigrants and Jews who have taken us down!"
If I were an immigrant or Jew living in Greece, I would begin to map out an escape route.
It's terrible of course but it comes with the refusal of the Greek people to accept the foul tasting medicine they require to recover from their possibly fatal profligacy.
Since they seem to have less than a collective will to take their medicine, it's likely that a strongman will have to appear to assume their care.
Unfortunately, strongmen tend to provide the wrong medicine, an elixir that addresses the acute symptoms but eventually carries the patient to Death's door.
While I don't think it's that much of a stretch to imagine economic chaos in Europe giving rise to far right regimes in such countries as Greece, Spain, Portugal and perhaps even Italy, it is quite a stretch to forecast a repeat of Europe of some 80 years ago.
None of the nations we might imagine to succumb to the infection are or will be in any shape to carry the contagion beyond their borders., and even all of the conditions for a European pandemic coalesce, a united and aggressive Fascist Europe will not present the same threat to the world in the 21st Century that Nazi Germany did in the 20th.
No, this is first and foremost Europe's problem, and Europe needs to shoulder the responsibility to fix it. (Which is not to say that it isn't trying like Hell to do so).
The US has enough financial problems of its own without taking on the debt compiled by welfare states of Europe, and as you pointed out, China has placed its bet on the US in a big way. They just don't have enough Yen or Dollars to bail out Europe too.
I wish this European drama could proceed without affecting the US, but it can't, and so I maintain a shred of hope that less selfish minds will prevail.
Anyone trying to forecast the future is stabbing in the dark. Dire predictions often go unrealized and hopeful assurances often prove to be cruelly foolish optimism.
It's worth absolutely nothing, of course, but I just have this unshakeable feeling that very momentous events are right around the corner.
If I'm right, many will suffer and the many will most likely be European.
It's a rare, but excellent History teacher who relates the momentous events of the past with the lives of the common folk who lived through them.
If I'm right the same will likely be the case for future History teachers, but we will be the participants who know and if very lucky merely the observers with a ring side seat.