Thank you; however, this computer is still dial-up modem. It would take a year and a day to see a video. Decades ago, there was a BBC drama that was shown on tv here about a Jewish family and their son getting Bar Mitzvahed. It occurred to me at the time (the latter half of the 20th century), that it was very odd to see that type of drama on tv here, since many Americans, at that time in my opinion, did not like to see anything that smacked of "Jewishness." Society was supposed to still be white, Christian and God forbid if any diversity was shown.
Anyway, the British had Disraeli, and the Balfour Declaration while many an average American still thought the Protocols of the Elders of Zion was gospel, in my opinion. Thank God there is a Britain.
You do know the Nazi Bund party was fairly active in NYC just before the war (yes, the war that in Faulty Towers one shouldn't mention to the tourists waiting to order their food). My point is, I think there is a bit of historical amnesia when I get on my Jewish diatribe, since there are some people that identify with Continental Europe, and would like to forget WWII. Sorry, elephants and Jews never forget. That's why every year Jews celebrate the Exodus (aka, Last Supper) that occurred about 3,000 + years ago. Now, don't tell me to forget anything or that I am paranoid. (Foofie eats paranoia for breakfast.)