That's not surprising; about an equal amount also do not know how to manage money. How many people do you know who has saved enough to retire at the same level of comfort as when they were working?
The average net worth for those 65+ is shown on this chart (from CNNMoney).
The average is $236,000. Do you think that's enough to retire on? How much of that is actual cash savings vs. property value?
From Bargaineering.
The EBRI’s report has a ton of detailed information on almost everything you might want to know about retirement savings and participation, from defined contribution plans to IRAs. For the purposes of our comparisons, I’ll just look at the age breakdown (2007 figures adjusted to 2009):
< 35: $6,306
35 – 44: $22,460
45 – 54: $43,797
55 – 64: $69,127
65 – 75: $56,212
75+: (sample size insufficient)
That's the reason why people age 65 and over are still working if they have jobs, because they know their savings is not sufficient to support them in their retirement.