Yeah, but you ain't short, are ya, Husker?
As silly threads go, this one is right up there. Fer chrissakes ... the point of the excercise is EXCHANGE of ideas, as I see it. What's the point of limiting the scope of the exchange? Sure, there is the occasional ad hom error, but really, those are pretty rare. Thin skins merit no particular protection, in any type of thread ... political, religious, or pets-and-gardens. If one encounters a statement one finds preposterous, an argument one sees as inherently flawed, or an assertion one feels baseless or contrary to fact, one should not be constrained from offering counter opinion and/or evidence. Name calling, proseyltizing, direct solicitation and mudslinging are one thing, and, of course, out-of-bounds, but being called on to explain, justify, or defend one's beliefs are part-and-parcel of discussion. As long as civility is maintained, all is cool, as far as I'm concerned. Hell, as far as disagreement with the preponderance of a discussion's participants, I'd pretty much have to claim that as a personal hallmark. Just because one's views are unpopular, or at variance with those of the majority in any given instance, does not deprive one of the right to hold and espouse those views. There are plenty of websites for "Me too" discussions. This is one of very few that encourages, even thrives on, "Yeah, but ... " discussions. The whole point of The Terms is that we agree to disagree agreeably. Now, if a member is being stalked or ganged up on, then what the heck ... call the guilty party on it right on-thread ... but do it civilly. Just say something like "Hey, XXXX, that wasn't cool and you know better than that", and don't get involved yourself in the particular flap. Just let folks know what is and is not appreciated. Peer pressure works. Or just report a post thought to be objectionable. What this whole flap amounts to, as I see it, is some folks don't like to be challenged. Well, this is the wrong planet for that lifestyle. Deal with it. I mean, DEAL with it, don't whine and complain about it. Engage folks who post in opposition to your point of view, or ignore them. Your call. This website shouldn't be expected to do it for you.
Well, Eagleface - you said a beakful. can I be the wind beneath your wings? Or the fluff?
I mean, I agree with you!
Thanks, bunny. I hasten to add, also, that the above is my personal opinion, and is not meant to be construed as any sort of official statement on behalf of the A2K Administration. Its just how I feel, and pretty much why I feel this is such a great website.