Revel: I like the word colonizational and I'm sure Bush would too, as would one of his supporters (?) who recently described him in a poll as manipulatable*. (Not a made up word)

I spilled my coffee and georgeob1 still didn't see it.
Georgeob1: look at the list of countries you made, um, how did that strategy turn out for them?
The thing is in all this discussion of Bush's grand stategery (pronounced Stuh-tee-gur-ee) nowhere is found the most profligate purveyor of
Nuclear Weapons of Mass Destruction (not just programs but boatloads of equipment) the confessed and
pardoned, Muslim terrorist Khan of Pakistan. Pakistan is the most dangerous country in the world. They make a national hero out of a thief who supplied the fixings for making the possession of a dirty bomb possible for Iran, Libya and North Korea and I expect that parties in the Pakistan government are in contact with their brother Muslim Osama bin Laden, but we are still searching for the link between Al-Queda and Saddam.
How do you spell myopia?
Put it in a sentence with Grand Strategy and manipulatable.
Joe Nation
*"I think he was believing what he wanted to believe," said one respondent, Ron Perholtz, an accountant from Jupiter, Fla. "I can't say he's dishonest. He heard what he wanted to hear. He's manipulatable by [Vice President] Cheney and others." MSNBC