I'm so glad to hear everything turned out ok BBB :-D
As I reported yesterday, when my dog Maddy got back home he was so subdued instead of jumping all over me in excitement.
Once I got unpacked and sat in my chair, Maddy cuddled with me all afternoon and evening until we went to bed. He never brought his toys to play with or his balls for me to throw for him. He just snuggled against me for hours and later as we slept.
This morning, he more like his old silly self, wanting to play around but still very clingy.
Strange how dogs react to separation from those they love much as humans do.
get well soon and good luck with the second op
BBB, I haven't been on a2k much and am so glad to hear that your operation was successful!!! Whew!
When friends go through something that is potentially dangerous, the waiting is awful. The good news is such a relief.
You greatly increase my desire for a Maddy or a Pacco.
The waggies are good for us, and even vice versa..
JLNobody, when I retired in 2002, I left my family and friends in California's Bay Area and moved to Albuquerque, New Mexico. The only people I knew were Asherman and Natalie, who had moved to Albuquerque the year before. Two people, even if they are Ash and Natalie, don't fill the void.
I searched for a Bichon Fries for several weeks before I found and purchased my puppy, Maddy. He fills the basic requirement all humans have of needing someone to love. His unconditional love is a joy to me as I gradually build a new circle of friends---especially after he was finally housebroken. :wink:
Hey BBB !!!! Glad to know that everything went well !!
G! How was the trip? Have you filled us in on some thread somewhere?
BBB, my wife used to have five cats and two dogs. Our dog (border collie) and cat (Maine Coon) died a few years ago (both at the age of 18). It was so hard on my wife that she refuses to have more pets. So I'm doing without--poor me.
I was going to quip to you and Osso that "I'll be keeping an eye out for you." But I refrained in the interest of decent taste, but now that you are both doing well, I confess it.
BBB. I'm glad everything went OK.
Asherman and Natalie are great folks. Send my regards to them.
littlek wrote:G! How was the trip? Have you filled us in on some thread somewhere?
Read a part of it
havent managed to make a NY diary kinda thread, but soon !!
Hope everybody's eyeballs are okay this morning.
The eyes are fine, but have a ringing in the ears.
Oh wait, that's the damn phone ringing again! Probably a stupid sales call!