I need you ex-pert opinion on ex-relationships :-D Haha get it? Ahem, moving on..
In short, I broke up with the bf because our lives were heading in 2 different directions. He's 28, Indian, parents still follow the arranged marriage system. I'm 21, not Indian, and will be spending my next 5 yrs pursuing a career in rehabilitation. We both agreed we still wanted to keep in contact.
3 weeks after breakup, we met/had dinner. He told me he would visit his parents in India. I thought he'd probably come back engaged. So he called me 2 days before leaving, and on the day of. Said he would call me when he gets back. When I never heard from him after 2 weeks of his arrival, I sent him a message saying I respect if he wants to end contact but just give me a reason why.
These are his responses:
" i haven't broken off contact or anything .. we are still cool... aren't we ?"
"If anything I should be apologizing. It was not right of me to not just contact you. So sorry about that, your behavior was perfectly natural and dare I say restrained. Anyways do message me or call me up when you are free.. If possible we should also meet some time and get some sushi perhaps...

Am I overreacting? How should I go about this situation now?