Technical first kiss was when I was 8 or 9. This pervy little boy actually drew a board game where every 2 spaces, something he considered "naughty" was written on it, like "Lie on top of someone", "Make out with x for 1 minute."
I ended up kissing him, like a peck, on the lips (we both spat in the bushes afterwards but I was pretending because I had a crush on him haha).
Grown up first kiss was when I was 17. First time I got drunk too (in Swizterland, beer, cider and wine are legal from age 16, all the rest from age 18). I was smashed, and ended up making out with this guy I'd just met. I was delirious, had less than half a clue about what was happening. That same night, just before leaving, I kissed a different guy (and this one was NOT a looker *shudders*), until I realised what I was doing and pushed him away. Ew.
Since then, have been kissed from time to time, but it's never been special. 90% of the time one or both of us was/were drunk. Just this one time we both were sober. And even then, it wasn't special. It was a prelude to more energetic things.
I've never had a boyfriend, so I'm still looking forward to that tender, soft, tentative kiss haha !