Mike Nifong has been sued into oblivion, in fact that's his new address now:
Michael B. Nifong
0 Zero'th Ave., apt 0
Oblivion, NC 00000
I haven't kept up with how the suits against Duke University or the city of Durham NC are coming along but I'm sure the defendants are wishing they'd never heard of Nifong.
There is also the case of the little town of Wenatchee, Wash. which was involved in a number of trials similar to Janet Reno's witchcraft "ritual abuse(TM)" tribunals only without the political cover of having the main perpetrator being appointed as AG of the United States and which at one point was facing half a billion dollars worth of lawsuits, could no longer obtain insurance, and was looking at being forcibly disincorporated.
Don't think that bullshit never has consequences.